eHarmony did a study: Korean men and Black women prefer to date within their own race


All Star
Mar 22, 2014
No, they have haplogroups no indigenous African would have.

I'll just leave this here for you. :sas1:


In general, various DNA studies have found that the gene frequencies of North African populations are intermediate between those of the Near East, the Horn of Africa, southern Europe and Sub Saharan Africa,[6] though Egypt’s NRY frequency distributions appear to be much more similar to those of the Middle East than to any sub-Saharan African population, suggesting a much larger Eurasian genetic component.[7][8][8][9][10][11]

Iran (Persia)

According to one study based on Y-Chromosome haplogroups, "The Iranians from the present study carry signature lineages with origins in Asia, North Africa, and Europe." As a whole, Persia displays contributions from Anatolia in the northern parts and the Indus Valley in the southern parts, yet a greater proportion from the former is observed in spite of Iran’s proximity to the latter.[15]

I guess you're picking and choosing who are indigenous Africans now. Africans in the north would still be indigenous which = black right. :sas2:


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
I'll just leave this here for you. :sas1:


In general, various DNA studies have found that the gene frequencies of North African populations are intermediate between those of the Near East, the Horn of Africa, southern Europe and Sub Saharan Africa,[6] though Egypt’s NRY frequency distributions appear to be much more similar to those of the Middle East than to any sub-Saharan African population, suggesting a much larger Eurasian genetic component.[7][8][8][9][10][11]

Iran (Persia)

According to one study based on Y-Chromosome haplogroups, "The Iranians from the present study carry signature lineages with origins in Asia, North Africa, and Europe." As a whole, Persia displays contributions from Anatolia in the northern parts and the Indus Valley in the southern parts, yet a greater proportion from the former is observed in spite of Iran’s proximity to the latter.[15]

I guess you're picking and choosing who are indigenous Africans now. Africans in the north would still be indigenous which = black right. :sas2:

You do realize that after Ancient Egypt fell MULTIPLE migrations and invasions happened?

Its like testing modern day America's gene frequencies to figure out Native American frequencies :dead:


All Star
Mar 22, 2014
The oldest haplogroups are ONLY carried by black peoples which implies they are black specific haplogroups, not generalist ancestral ones. Also, DNA = black. Your assertion that "DNA does not = black" is past the point of retarded. The Persians do not have haplogroups I'm talkin about, moron. Get an education!

I see you seriously believe the stuff your spouting so I won't go any further with you. :pachaha:


All Star
Mar 22, 2014
You do realize that after Ancient Egypt fell MULTIPLE migrations and invasions happened?

Its like testing modern day America's gene frequencies to figure out Native American frequencies :dead:

They had African indigenous DNA which = black, but the larger percentage of Euransian DNA came not from the "original" black Egyptians but the latter conquered ones???


Those aren't Anglo-Saxons which is the ones yall dikkride :sas2:

Who dikk rides what? :why:
So now ancient Geeks and Rimans weren't white??

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"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
I see you seriously believe the stuff your spouting so I won't go any further with you. :pachaha:

:dead: So you believe DNA =/= black?

So what, DNA =/= human? DNA =/= squirrel? DNA =/= shark? DNA programs for animals, groups and populations and their differences. If you change something's DNA, it will change. I can't tell if you're ignorant or stupid.:wtf:

Blacks have unique DNA and haplogroups specific to blacks, you c00n. The main black haplogroup is the oldest on Earth. Get an education.


All Star
Mar 22, 2014
:dead: So you believe DNA =/= black?

So what, DNA =/= human? DNA =/= squirrel? DNA =/= shark? DNA programs for animals, groups and populations and their differences. If you change something's DNA, it will change. I can't tell if you're ignorant or stupid.:wtf:

Blacks have unique DNA and haplogroups specific to blacks, you c00n. The main black haplogroup is the oldest on Earth. Get an education.

Sep 1, 2014
well on the study it said black women replied to other races the least, and were 3x more likely to reply to black men. most black women aren't attracted to non black men, i dont get why thats so hard for you guys to grasp

This is not true. Black women are generally fine dating decent black men and for women in general it takes a little more for them to cross racial boundaries. That doesn't mean we don't find some of them attractive. We' re just indifferent and don't sensationalize the novelty of being with a nonblack guy or act like it's some great achievement.

Generally speaking women don't have this need to 'conquer' other races like men do.

Dating nonblack is simply untested waters for some black women. The few black women I knew growing up that had a thing for white boys grew up and married their white boys.

From a more practical standpoint, it makes more sense to date a white guy if you're looking to be well provided for (which most women are).

Would we prefer that black men be in better positions to do this? Absolutely.

But we live in a white man's world. It is what it is.
Oct 27, 2013
This is not true. Black women are generally fine dating decent black men and for women in general it takes a little more for them to cross racial boundaries. That doesn't mean we don't find some of them attractive. We' re just indifferent and don't sensationalize the novelty of being with a nonblack guy or act like it's some great achievement.

Generally speaking women don't have this need to 'conquer' other races like men do.

Dating nonblack is simply untested waters for some black women. The few black women I knew growing up that had a thing for white boys grew up and married their white boys.

From a more practical standpoint, it makes more sense to date a white guy if you're looking to be well provided for (which most women are).

Would we prefer that black men be in better positions to do this? Absolutely.

But we live in a white man's world. It is what it is.

I know that there are a lot of black women attracted to non black men but they are the minority, and it has been proven in studies. of course there are some that do, but very small percentage. and asian women date out at an almost 50% rate so women not being open to interracial dating isn't necerssarily the case. Its either you find someone attractive or you don't in my opinon. I always hear black women say they only find black men attractive, which is wierd to me, but i guess you like what you like.
Sep 1, 2014
So why the movies, mags and websites?

Other than Scandal I'm not aware of these magazines and websites that promote bw/wm. Enlighten me? Though some black women may enjoy Scandal, I don't think they're out here demanding to see themselves with white men. You'll have to ask the white men who spearhead and greenlight these projects on that one.

I will say this, however, and I don't mean this to sound divisive:

What white men generally have over black men is their ability to more readily make themselves vulnerable with his woman, appear selfless and actively interested and engaged in a woman's needs and feelings. In other words, they tend to have their guard down and more service oriented more so than black men.

Yes, I know plenty of them are a$$holes, I get that. But there are plenty that aren't as well.

THIS is why you will see these black girls raving about their white boyfriends on YouTube and whatnot; not because they are excited they got a white guy but because they make her feel like a woman. And sadly many have never felt this way with a black guy for whatever reason.

Regardless of racial make up, if you can't allow yourself to be vulnerable at the right times you're not going to fall in love and have something special with someone. People don't fall in love with 'persona' or 'swag'.
Sep 1, 2014
I know that there are a lot of black women attracted to non black men but they are the minority, and it has been proven in studies. of course there are some that do, but very small percentage. and asian women date out at an almost 50% rate so women not being open to interracial dating isn't necerssarily the case. Its either you find someone attractive or you don't in my opinon. I always hear black women say they only find black men attractive, which is wierd to me, but i guess you like what you like.

Any race of man who is in shape, intelligent, emotionally sound and well-groomed is going to get looks from any race of women. ANY.

No he may not get laid but that's besides the point.

Look. I'm a black woman. It is preferable to have a black man who is attractive, intelligent, well-read, kind, progressive minded, family - oriented and emotionally connected with. etc.

But if that doesn't happen, guess what? Men are still men and at the end of the day I need a man who will provide, support me emotionally and give me the d. I can appreciate all looks.

Do some women gravitate to a certain look more than others, sure, but I believe more cultured women ( who you should desire anyway) appreciate beauty in all of its forms. I seriously side eye people of any ethnic make up that say they find a certain race so unattractive they wouldn't date them. A lot of that is arrogant, pretentious narcissism.

If any person, male or female, is in good physical shape, well- groomed, engaging and pleasant, and reasonably intelligent SOMEONE is going to be interested.


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
Other than Scandal I'm not aware of these magazines and websites that promote bw/wm. Enlighten me? Though some black women may enjoy Scandal, I don't think they're out here demanding to see themselves with white men. You'll have to ask the white men who spearhead and greenlight these projects on that one.

I will say this, however, and I don't mean this to sound divisive:

What white men generally have over black men is their ability to more readily make themselves vulnerable with his woman, appear selfless and actively interested and engaged in a woman's needs and feelings. In other words, they tend to have their guard down and more service oriented more so than black men.

:upsetfavre: You square females.:wow:

Regardless of racial make up, if you can't allow yourself to be vulnerable at the right times you're not going to fall in love and have something special with someone. People don't fall in love with 'persona' or 'swag'.

:whew: Square females + me= Bad Combo