Egyptian confirms Egypt is majority black, don't let these cacs get you fooled


Jun 22, 2014
Ultimately Black American's history is in America and WEST AFRICA. PERIOD.

Egyptian history is very overrated and these hotels are reacting with their theories.

Low-key I think the problem is that a lot of black people really do believe the racist white supremacist when they tar start talking about how black people didn't have a history. That's why they latch on that Egypt so much.

ancient Egypt is the most talked about and debated civilization, period, for obvious reasons. Really has nothing to do with black people believing white peoples lies about africa/black africa never producing anything of note considering the earliest "black" scholars to say egypt was black were also aware and championed all of the other great black african civilizations/kingdoms too. The point is white people went out of their to whitewash egypt for obvious and they even went out of their way to whitewash MORE undeniably "black" things in Africa from Sudan, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and even Nigeria.



Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Eurocentrism is a disease breh stop spreading their lies. It wasn't "mixed" until asiatic cacs and cacs invaded. It was not "mixed" it was black African civilization just like any other African society throughout the continent. scholars been exposed these lies decades ago.

So why does Egyptian art from the time make a clear distinction between brown Egyptians, white Greeks, and black nubians?

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
What the heck are you even talking about? Nothing in this posts even makes sense.

Never understood this shyt. The ancient Egyptians weren't black or white. They were brown. Their own historical documents and images clearly show distinctions between themselves, Greeks (whites), and Nubians (blacks).
First of all elaborate on what is "brown." Because that's something everyone just loves using when describing the Egyptians. How many material whether historic books, primary sources, bio-anthropological, genetic studies, etc have you read to even come to that conclusion?

First of all your distinction between the "Black" Nubians and "Brown" Egyptians is only a thing of Eurocentric imagination. Solely based on this 1820s RECREATION of the actual painting from the book of dead.

Here is the ORIGINAL painting.

As you can see many of the paint has faded. And even the Libyan and Semite were much darker than what's seen in the recreation.

Lastly ii you know anything about Nile Valley history then you would be fully aware of the fact that there WAS NO NUBIAN PEOPLE! It was a term coined by the Romans to refer to people South of Egypt i.e the Sudan which was diverse in many different African types. Some who were Nilotic and pitch Black as you describe as the "Black Nubians" and some who were more Afro-Asiatic and more similar in complexion with the "brown" Egyptians. Either way we have paintings such as these.

More importantly it is basic 101 Egyptology knowledge that the people, pharonic culture, etc came from "Nubia."

To sum up, Nubia is Egypt’s African ancestor. What linked Ancient Egypt to the rest of the North African cultures is this strong tie with the Nubian pastoral nomadic lifestyle, the same pastoral background commonly shared by most of the ancient Saharan and modern sub-Saharan societies. Thus, not only did Nubia have a prominent role in the origin of Ancient Egypt, it was also a key area for the origin of the entire African pastoral tradition.
The Nubian Pastoral Culture as Link between Egypt and Africa: A View from the Archaeological Record

Kush conquered the entirety of Egypt and created the 25th Egyptian Dynasty. Those pharaohs were clearly black. Egpyt was indeed a black kingdom during that period. But it didn't last forever and it doesn't erase what Egypt was beforehand.
Again, you are wallowing in the myth that there was a "Black Nubia" and "Brown Egypt" when I have shown that the people and culture of Egypt came from the Nubian area.

But... Let me show you just how "Negroid" or "Black" in terms of PC those Egyptians looked like in terms of physical anthropology.

"Analyses of Egyptian crania are numerous. Vercoutter (1978) notes that ancient Egyptian crania have frequently all been lumped (implicitly or explicitly) as Mediterranean, although Negroid remains are recorded in substantial numbers by many workers... "Nutter (1958), using the Penrose statistic, demonstrated that Nagada I and Badari crania, both regarded as Negroid, were almost identical and that these were most similar to the Negroid Nubian series from Kerma studied by Collett (1933). [Collett, not accepting variability, excluded "clear negro" crania found in the Kerma series from her analysis, as did Morant (1925), implying that they were foreign..."
(S. Keita (1990) Studies of Ancient Crania From Northern Africa. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 83:35-48)

If the people in Egypt were more similar to the "Negroid Nubians" then where did these "Brown Egyptians" come from?

The reality is that Egypt was a diverse kingdom with brown people in upper Egypt and black people in lower Egypt. That balance fluctuated.
The bolded shows your ignorance on the subject no offense. Even the most conservative Egyptologist says that BLACK people were in UPPER Egypt and NOT Lower Egypt. Upper Egypt is southern Egypt while Lower Egypt is northern. Due to the Nile river flowing from South to North. Upper Egypt is where the civilization originated in the first place. Lower Egypt on the other hand especially during the dynastic times was not as developed but some backwater.

I'm all for pushing back against white lies and revision - clearly they weren't white. But let's not erase another ethnic group's history in the process.
You referring to Modern Egyptians?

Technically "white people" is a modern concept that didn't even exist at the time.

I don't stand it when people use this excuse. While people in antiquity did not have the sophisticated classifiation of "race" like modern times, they did have examples like it. Especially the Greeks. And the Egyptians did have terms for "white" and did see themselves differently from the Asiatics...

"Asiatics (whites) are both cowardly and pitiful, leading a marginal existence, constantly fighting but with nothing ever settled. They are also sly and ultimately treacherous, attacking without warning. This passage characterizes Asiatics as both primitive and threatening.. In this case, the passage reflects Egypt's combination of colonial domination and outright military conflict.."
From: --Stuart Tyson Smith. (2003) Wretched Kush: ethnic identities and boundaries in Egypt's Nubian empire. Routledge, pp. 28-31

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
ancient Egypt is the most talked about and debated civilization, period, for obvious reasons. Really has nothing to do with black people believing white peoples lies about africa/black africa never producing anything of note considering the earliest "black" scholars to say egypt was black were also aware and championed all of the other great black african civilizations/kingdoms too. The point is white people went out of their to whitewash egypt for obvious and they even went out of their way to whitewash MORE undeniably "black" things in Africa from Sudan, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and even Nigeria.



These clowns don't realize that if it wasn't for push back against Eurocentricity in Africa by both Black scholars and opened minded non-blacks in acedemia than much of Africa outside of hunter-gatherers would have been EURASIANIZED. They keep screaming "why you focus on Egypt so much!!!!" yet allow Whites/Non-Blacks to Eurasionize it on some "yes massa! We stays in West Africa wre wez belongz. Wez wont be bad negros!" I said many times its MUCH bigger than Egypt! After Egypt they want to Eurasionize ALL of Northeast Africa(especially the Sudan and Horn). After Northeast Africa who knows what else???? I mean they already had studies like this that were luckly debunked.

You would never hear a British man say STOP focusing on Ancient Greece! While allowing radical negros to claim it. These guys will WILLFULLY give up the entire North African history and East Africa. That ain't happening with me.


Jun 22, 2014
These clowns don't realize that if it wasn't for push back against Eurocentricity in Africa by both Black scholars and opened minded non-blacks in acedemia than much of Africa outside of hunter-gatherers would have been EURASIANIZED. They keep screaming "why you focus on Egypt so much!!!!" yet allow Whites/Non-Blacks to Eurasionize it on some "yes massa! We stays in West Africa wre wez belongz. Wez wont be bad negros!" I said many times its MUCH bigger than Egypt! After Egypt they want to Eurasionize ALL of Northeast Africa(especially the Sudan and Horn). After Northeast Africa who knows what else???? I mean they already had studies like this that were luckly debunked.


You would never hear a British man say STOP focusing on Ancient Greece! While allowing radical negros to claim it. These guys will WILLFULLY give up the entire North African history and East Africa. That ain't happening with me.

lol...I was about to post something along these same lines

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)

lol...I was about to post something along these same lines

But breh it gets only worse... These clowns don't realize that African history(and I'm starting since the evolution of modern humans on the continent) did NOT revolve around in an isolated vacuum with different groups. There were continuum. What I mean is by giving up Egypt, these guys can no longer talk about "Black people" populating the world because new evidence is showing that the OOA happened OUT through Egypt! By giving up Egypt they now admit that Egypt was Eurasian since prehistoric times! And the OOA was by non-Africans!:ohmy:

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
ancient Egypt is the most talked about and debated civilization, period, for obvious reasons. Really has nothing to do with black people believing white peoples lies about africa/black africa never producing anything of note considering the earliest "black" scholars to say egypt was black were also aware and championed all of the other great black african civilizations/kingdoms too. The point is white people went out of their to whitewash egypt for obvious and they even went out of their way to whitewash MORE undeniably "black" things in Africa from Sudan, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and even Nigeria.



I remember this shyt....

"no it couldn't have been the africans it must have been atlantis, whites, something not african"

like these people are completely delusional to have even thought that shyt.


All Star
Oct 31, 2017
After Egypt they want to Eurasionize ALL of Northeast Africa(especially the Sudan and Horn). After Northeast Africa who knows what else????
Breh, Eurocentrists have already begun Eurasionizing West, East, and South African Kingdoms. I've seen many people on other forums claim Mali, Dhar Tichitt, Songhai, Ghana were all made by Berbers and Arabs. East African civilizations such as the Swahili city-states, Somali kingdoms, and Ethiopian kingdoms were all made by Arabs and Persians. Eurocentrists falsely claimed that Great Zimbabwe was the Kingdom of the "white" Queen of Sheba. After they failed to prove this the Eurocentrists now claim that whites reached South Africa before blacks and that they have more rights over the land.

This guy really doesn't understand that Egypt really isn't the only civilization claimed by Eurocentrists. We aren't solely focusing and protecting Egypt. We are taking all of our histories back from the deceivers. If it wasn't for the scholars that fought for our history like Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Ivan Sertima, Dr. Shomarka Keita, etc., Africans would only have a history of servitude (slavery and colonization).

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Breh, Eurocentrists have already begun Eurasionizing West, East, and South African Kingdoms. I've seen many people on other forums claim Mali, Dhar Tichitt, Songhai, Ghana were all made by Berbers and Arabs. East African civilizations such as the Swahili city-states, Somali kingdoms, and Ethiopian kingdoms were all made by Arabs and Persians. Eurocentrists falsely claimed that Great Zimbabwe was the Kingdom of the "white" Queen of Sheba. After they failed to prove this the Eurocentrists now claim that whites reached South Africa before blacks and that they have more rights over the land.

This guy really doesn't understand that Egypt really isn't the only civilization claimed by Eurocentrists. We aren't solely focusing and protecting Egypt. We are taking our history back from the deceivers. If it wasn't for the scholars that fought for our history like Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Ivan Sertima, Dr. Shomarke Keita, etc., Africans would only have a history of servitude (slavery and colonization).
It seems like you know your shyt. Glad to see another Keita fan.


Apr 10, 2017
These clowns don't realize that if it wasn't for push back against Eurocentricity in Africa by both Black scholars and opened minded non-blacks in acedemia than much of Africa outside of hunter-gatherers would have been EURASIANIZED. They keep screaming "why you focus on Egypt so much!!!!" yet allow Whites/Non-Blacks to Eurasionize it on some "yes massa! We stays in West Africa wre wez belongz. Wez wont be bad negros!" I said many times its MUCH bigger than Egypt! After Egypt they want to Eurasionize ALL of Northeast Africa(especially the Sudan and Horn). After Northeast Africa who knows what else???? I mean they already had studies like this that were luckly debunked.

You would never hear a British man say STOP focusing on Ancient Greece! While allowing radical negros to claim it. These guys will WILLFULLY give up the entire North African history and East Africa. That ain't happening with me.

That's what I keep telling them fam. Eurocentrism is like a cancer if it isn't stopped dead in it's track the only thing it will do is grow. Negroes who tell black people to stop concentrating on Ancient Egypt or Ancient North Africa because we are from West Africa are fools and have no understanding of white supremacy.


Jun 22, 2014
Breh, Eurocentrists have already begun Eurasionizing West, East, and South African Kingdoms. I've seen many people on other forums claim Mali, Dhar Tichitt, Songhai, Ghana were all made by Berbers and Arabs. East African civilizations such as the Swahili city-states, Somali kingdoms, and Ethiopian kingdoms were all made by Arabs and Persians. Eurocentrists falsely claimed that Great Zimbabwe was the Kingdom of the "white" Queen of Sheba. After they failed to prove this the Eurocentrists now claim that whites reached South Africa before blacks and that they have more rights over the land.

This guy really doesn't understand that Egypt really isn't the only civilization claimed by Eurocentrists. We aren't solely focusing and protecting Egypt. We are taking all of our histories back from the deceivers. If it wasn't for the scholars that fought for our history like Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Ivan Sertima, Dr. Shomarka Keita, etc., Africans would only have a history of servitude (slavery and colonization).

yup...I touched on this here, in this thread-->Egyptian confirms Egypt is majority black, don't let these cacs get you fooled