Egypt has BANNED Dutch archaeologists from excavating at a grave site after becoming enraged by their “Afrocentric” approach “falsifying history.”


St. BAWGustine - DarkSkxxxn
Aug 15, 2014
I’m not gonna get too deep into it but they telling on they selves how they use “Afrocentrism” in contrast to the African state of Egypt.
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All Star
Nov 9, 2017
I'm one of the most vocal sand CAC haters on this forum...The c00n habibs love us sand CAC defense force been on my ass for years on this mothafukka...fukk those musty racist fakkits but we have to be real...This idea the whole continent of Africa was compromised of nothing but Sub-Saharan folk before the "colonizers" is uneducated babble...Basic geography and anthropology 101 tell you its nonsensical...Northern-Africa, Egypt specifically borders the Mediterranean and Mid-East, these folks were mixed...
Nobody is saying this . . . nobody. Try again.


All Star
Jun 15, 2018
Those DNA tests also came back over 60% inline with the people that currently inhabit Northern Africa...

This is a 3D render of Queen Nefertiti based on archaeological evidence...

That is not a BLACK woman, that is an AFRICAN woman...She may have been darker in complexion, Eritreans are the closest to what Ancient Egyptians IMO most-likely resembled and they identify themselves as Habesha, not black...In fact many of them will get offended if you call them black...We call them dumb c00ns for that but who really are the dumb c00ns? Them or yall who continue to utilize an uneducated racist Amerikkkan construct to describe an entire continent?

Africa is a continent, not a color assigned by racist English speaking CACs to west Africans they enslaved...Kemet "black land" derived from the color of the SOIL of the Nile, not SKIN of the people that inhabited the area...Using white and black in identifying peoples ethnicity is an uneducated racist Amerikkkan construct...The Anglo cave beast, the most vile created this construct to divide people and assign value to the purity of its demonic blood...Continuing to perpetuate this racist nonsense that anyone who isn't 100% cave blood/melanin deprived is black, is dumb c00n behavior...

Breh, there is no scientific definition of "Black" or "White" or even "African". Yes, race is a construct. Racists applied the construct to people who generally have black/brown skin, curly hair AND ancestral origins on the continent of Africa. Rightly or wrongly, we generally use and accept that construct to identify and distinguish among different types of humans based on physical, phenotypical traits.

The racists clearly know what "Black" is when it comes to oppressing people who they classify as Black, But when it comes to giving praise and credit for advanced civilizations like Ancient Egypt, all of a sudden they start changing the definition of who is classified as "Black".

An Eritrean/Habesha doesn't look like a Yoruba or a Zulu, yet no one with common sense is going to deny they are all "Black" according to the broad historical definition of that construct. The Ancient Egyptians are no different.

As for the "reconstructions", the Ancient Egyptians portrayed themselves and left numerous paintings and inscriptions of what they looked like. They are the only true authority on what they looked like.

Btw you have modern day Black Egyptians who live mostly in the south who are direct descendants of Ancient Egyptians, so I'm not sure why you think modern day Eritreans looked the most like the Ancient Egyptians.

Ty Daniels

All Star
Dec 13, 2019
Those DNA tests also came back over 60% inline with the people that currently inhabit Northern Africa...

This is a 3D render of Queen Nefertiti based on archaeological evidence...

That is not a BLACK woman, that is an AFRICAN woman...She may have been darker in complexion, Eritreans are the closest to what Ancient Egyptians IMO most-likely resembled and they identify themselves as Habesha, not black...In fact many of them will get offended if you call them black...We call them dumb c00ns for that but who really are the dumb c00ns? Them or yall who continue to utilize an uneducated racist Amerikkkan construct to describe an entire continent?

Africa is a continent, not a color assigned by racist English speaking CACs to west Africans they enslaved...Kemet "black land" derived from the color of the SOIL of the Nile, not SKIN of the people that inhabited the area...Using white and black in identifying peoples ethnicity is an uneducated racist Amerikkkan construct...The Anglo cave beast, the most vile created this construct to divide people and assign value to the purity of its demonic blood...Continuing to perpetuate this racist nonsense that anyone who isn't 100% cave blood/melanin deprived is black, is dumb c00n behavior...

The Habesha are supposed to have migrated from Yemen into Africa around 1,000 BC.

A population who's origin doesn't start until 1,000 BC is NOT the origin of a population that preceded them by THOUSANDS of years.

Also the "Point" of this thread is...

"Modern Egyptians" are mad about "Afrocentric" claims about Ancient Egypt.

Your claim is that the Ancient Egyptians were "Habesha". IF that is True then...

MODERN Egyptians AREN'T Habesha, so there had to be a "Population Replacement".

Thus making the "Afrocentric" claims valid.

That is the ONLY logical conclusion to make, if your position is:

"Ancient Egyptians Were Habesha".

Also who "Considers" themselves "Black" or not, is Irrelevant.

You can find Black people from damn near every ethnic group, who Don't consider themselves Black, and others that DO!

The real argument is about PHENOTYPE, there were clearly...
Native Black Ancient Egyptians, and NOBODY can change that!
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Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
I forget, have they done DNA testing on the mummies or anything similar from the various time periods?
The Amarna royal family mummies (king Tut) were tested and their results showed they were most related to West and Central Africans. Ramses III haplogroup was tested and the results were e1b1a, which is mostly found in West and Central Africans. You can look this stuff up on Google is not a good resource for Ancient Egyptian history, because there's a lot of faulty information dominating the top 10 search results.

@The Fukin Prophecy

Now some mummies tested were white, like the ones in the famous study done at the graveyard Abusir el-Meleq released in 2017. However, that graveyard was where Romans, Grecians, Assyrians, and Arabs (who all ruled Egypt at different times) buried their dead for 1000s of years. So that doesn't tell you much about the original Ancient Egyptians, but there's an agenda to Whiten Egypt up, You have to look at the invasion timeline of Egypt to see the different White countries that invaded and ruled to give you more perspective on why some of the tested mummies where White.

There have also been melanin tests, limb proportion tests (tropical body plans on the pharaohs), and wall paintings that show they were most likely Black.
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Jan 31, 2014
The Amarna royal family mummies (king Tut) were tested and their results showed they were most related to West and Central Africans. Ramses III haplogroup was tested and the results were e1b1a, which is mostly found in West and Central Africans. You can look this stuff up on Egyptseach,.com. Google is not a good resource for Ancient Egyptian history, because there's a lot of faulty information dominating the top 10 search results.

@The Fukin Prophecy

Now some mummies tested were white, like the ones in the famous study done at the graveyard Abusir el-Meleq released in 2017. However, that graveyard was where Romans, Grecians, Assyrians, and Arabs (who all ruled Egypt at different times) buried their dead for 1000s of years. So that doesn't tell you much about the original Ancient Egyptians, but there's an agenda to Whiten Egypt up, You have to look at the invasion timeline of Egypt to see the different White countries that invaded and ruled to give you more perspective on why some of the tested mummies where White.

There have also been melanin tests, limb proportion tests (tropical body plans on the pharaohs), and wall paintings that show they were most likely Black.

Dr. Keita breaks this down in a lesson that was posted on YT years ago

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
Your claim is that the Ancient Egyptians were "Habesha".
No this is NOT my claim, never said nor remotely implied it...

What I said was PHYSICALLY they most closely resembled Eritrean people...That's it, nothing more, nothing less...

My only claim in this thread is simple, Africa is a CONTINENT, not a color assigned to west Africans by CAC slavers...I also used Eritreans to prove this point, that African people yall would call black based on their skin complexion do not describe themselves as black...Same goes for Somalis and pretty much all East Africans...

That's it...
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