E3 2018 Is Right Around The Corner. What Are Your Predictions And Hopes?


Oct 26, 2015

  • New footage for Shenmue 3
  • A net breaking deal involving two rival companies
  • Sega to get back into the Console business
  • Metroid coming to Switch
  • Madworld coming to PC along with a sequel:krs:
  • Sony to announce a new IP
  • Microsoft to announce a new service
  • EA to introduce the UEFA to FIFA 19:beli:
  • More details to the upcoming DLC for FF15
That’s never going to happen lol
Like it’s not even a debate

Do you know how much money goes in console research alone ? Sega would go bankrupt before even creating the damn thing

The only possible way they could create a console again if it’s retro and running off android software or something , that your best bet , and that’s not even planned


May 7, 2018
Really hoping for a lot of Switch content so I get a reason to play it.


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
Really hoping for a Rocksteady Superman game

Borderlands 3 I believe is confirmed so that's a definite cop
I've said this before...

Developers have been approaching a Superman game all wrong. He's too powerful.They need to make the game push the envelop on mechanics and what the challenge can be.

First off, and I HAVE to be objective... so @Rekkapryde & @Fatboi1 you're console earned this.:wow:

Superman can only be done by a Sony development team. They would be the only pool of developers I would trust with a full scale Superman game. My suggestion(I'll probably make a thread on it) but:

Superman: Villain or Hero by NaughtyDawg

Full Scale Triple A blockbuster Cinema Experience

  • Less like Batman Arkham, more like PS4 Spiderman.
  • The world - City of Metropolis and outskirts - should be the real shining character. It should be alive and filled w/ life akin to a fully built SimCity.
  • Actually the game should be Spiderman meets SimCity meets L.A Noire:ohhh:
  • The City is continually growing organically. E.I Daily Planet News Updates inform the player of a new school or government building being built and population growth.
  • Growth & Attrition Meter - essentially a life and death meter for the land & population.*Important for battle mechanic detailed below.
  • Notorious & Notoriety System - essentially a live track of whether your user controlled Superman is winning over the people of Metropolis or whether your the villain that the Lex Luthor's and Bruce Wayne's think you are.
  • PermaDeath Mode- If your Notorious rating increases to drastic levels because of mishandled battles w/ horrifying innocent death totals & public blame - Your Superman is permanently deemed a villain and exiled from the Planet. START OVER.


  • The battles should be billed as the most immersive superhero experience ever; this can be achieved by making the the fights, albeit spectacular as ever, play second fiddle to the challenge of the ramifications of the battles.
  • Ramifications hint at what will make the game unlike any game before - YOUR CHOICES MATTER.
  • Battles & Threats - Not only is the world organic, but the challenges facing Clark & Superman are as well. Alien drones have dropped in farm land outside of metropolis at the same time that a Lex Luthor Corp. War Machine Robot went rogue at a Tech Function in the heart of Metropolis? In real time, the player controlled Superman has to decide which threat or battle to handle. Handle the Luther Corp War Machine and delay a response to the Alien Drones could bring a Brainiac invasion into fruition at a later date.
  • Battles & Threats Scenario should be randomly generated and DLC updates.
  1. Imagine exploring the world of Metropolis as Clark or flying casually as Superman and *Press TRIANGLE to view* and the camera focuses on a Meteor on a crash course towards the City.
  2. It's easy work until as you manage to slow the rock down. As a matter of fact, on previous play throughs, it was really as easy as getting to the meteor in time and launching into orbit.
  3. However, this time, Doomsday was hitchhiking onto it and as you're slowing it down, he hyper jumps off of it towards metropolis - Get rid of that rock quick to avoid Doomsday's damage increasing the attrition meter too much.

  • Superman Fights -
  1. Depending on size of villain, could Shadow of Collosus grand style in the sky against a Brainiac mega ship or a 1 v 1 brawl against a Cyborg Superman or Doomsday in the Metropolis streets w/ fully destructible environments that would priority to avoid as much as possible.
  2. Ramifications - You weaken Doomsday and your attempt to take advantage and fling him into orbit is broken as he strikes you mid air - you loose your hold and he's hurdling towards Earth as a speed that you can't avoid him hitting the ground - do you steer him towards a government building where 1,000 people may be working in or a patch of land that's mostly farm land but an elementary school w/ 200 kids? Which would Metropolis deem more tragic? How would that affect the Notorious/Notoriety Meter?
  3. The fight is only half the battle.
  • Clark Kent/Daily Planet Gameplay -
  1. Use journalism points to influence positive PR for Superman to help positively affect Notoriety Meter and to decrease Notorious Meter.
  2. Previously helped destroy a Luthor Corp. War Machine but negatively increased attrition meter because of alot of loses? Did you choose to send Doomsday on a trajectory towards the school children instead of the government building to save more lives? Use journalism options to write story feel good story series about the good works those workers were doing for Metropolis to increase public opinion about positives of Superman's choice to save them.
  3. You can use journalism points to influence the building of certain infrastructure to keep Metropolis a progressing and lively city or influence them to build protections that can assist Superman.
  4. Use journalism points to influence negative stories or start investigations about Metropolis' most vocal critics against Superman such as toxic emissions from a Wayne Corp or Lex Corp power plant - this will help when you make a bad move as superman so their influence on public opinion may be blunted.
  5. Journalism is a dirty business - But to keep Superman in Metropolis' good graces? You've got to get dirty.

STORY MODE/ Everlasting End Game
  • Although there would be a story arc, with certain concrete missions and cut scenes, throughout the story and after the main story is finished - the Battle & threats system continue indefinitely to keep the player coming back to see how long he can maintain peace between Superman and public opinion.
  • Leaderboard indicated how long - in game time - that players have maintained good relations.
  • Dynamic challenge & difficulty where the game adapts and progressively becomes harder in it's post endgame making the accomplishment of maintaining that peace a thing to brag about.
  • There should be a shadow of Mordor nemesis system - shoutout to @Brief Keef - that change up and respond to how superman previously defeated or was defeated by a villain in previous interactions. Imagine not fully sending General Zod to the darkzone and a future engagement he says, "Those pitiful humans crucified you when you couldn't prevent our fight from killing those poor churchgoers who's church I threw you into...ha...wait till they see what you can't prevent today!"
The above mentioned is the only way a Superman game could work. I need to edit this and pitch this to every studio. :wow::wow:

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Bought Rage 1 like a year ago on steam. It's decent but that game (along with a lot of the singleplayer id software games for that matter) really could've benefitted from co-op or some kind of online feature.
It has the most abrupt ending ever. Like they straight up ran out of budget or time

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
I've said this before...

Developers have been approaching a Superman game all wrong. He's too powerful.They need to make the game push the envelop on mechanics and what the challenge can be.

First off, and I HAVE to be objective... so @Rekkapryde & @Fatboi1 you're console earned this.:wow:

Superman can only be done by a Sony development team. They would be the only pool of developers I would trust with a full scale Superman game. My suggestion(I'll probably make a thread on it) but:

Superman: Villain or Hero by NaughtyDawg

Full Scale Triple A blockbuster Cinema Experience

  • Less like Batman Arkham, more like PS4 Spiderman.
  • The world - City of Metropolis and outskirts - should be the real shining character. It should be alive and filled w/ life akin to a fully built SimCity.
  • Actually the game should be Spiderman meets SimCity meets L.A Noire:ohhh:
  • The City is continually growing organically. E.I Daily Planet News Updates inform the player of a new school or government building being built and population growth.
  • Growth & Attrition Meter - essentially a life and death meter for the land & population.*Important for battle mechanic detailed below.
  • Notorious & Notoriety System - essentially a live track of whether your user controlled Superman is winning over the people of Metropolis or whether your the villain that the Lex Luthor's and Bruce Wayne's think you are.
  • PermaDeath Mode- If your Notorious rating increases to drastic levels because of mishandled battles w/ horrifying innocent death totals & public blame - Your Superman is permanently deemed a villain and exiled from the Planet. START OVER.


  • The battles should be billed as the most immersive superhero experience ever; this can be achieved by making the the fights, albeit spectacular as ever, play second fiddle to the challenge of the ramifications of the battles.
  • Ramifications hint at what will make the game unlike any game before - YOUR CHOICES MATTER.
  • Battles & Threats - Not only is the world organic, but the challenges facing Clark & Superman are as well. Alien drones have dropped in farm land outside of metropolis at the same time that a Lex Luthor Corp. War Machine Robot went rogue at a Tech Function in the heart of Metropolis? In real time, the player controlled Superman has to decide which threat or battle to handle. Handle the Luther Corp War Machine and delay a response to the Alien Drones could bring a Brainiac invasion into fruition at a later date.
  • Battles & Threats Scenario should be randomly generated and DLC updates.
  1. Imagine exploring the world of Metropolis as Clark or flying casually as Superman and *Press TRIANGLE to view* and the camera focuses on a Meteor on a crash course towards the City.
  2. It's easy work until as you manage to slow the rock down. As a matter of fact, on previous play throughs, it was really as easy as getting to the meteor in time and launching into orbit.
  3. However, this time, Doomsday was hitchhiking onto it and as you're slowing it down, he hyper jumps off of it towards metropolis - Get rid of that rock quick to avoid Doomsday's damage increasing the attrition meter too much.

  • Superman Fights -
  1. Depending on size of villain, could Shadow of Collosus grand style in the sky against a Brainiac mega ship or a 1 v 1 brawl against a Cyborg Superman or Doomsday in the Metropolis streets w/ fully destructible environments that would priority to avoid as much as possible.
  2. Ramifications - You weaken Doomsday and your attempt to take advantage and fling him into orbit is broken as he strikes you mid air - you loose your hold and he's hurdling towards Earth as a speed that you can't avoid him hitting the ground - do you steer him towards a government building where 1,000 people may be working in or a patch of land that's mostly farm land but an elementary school w/ 200 kids? Which would Metropolis deem more tragic? How would that affect the Notorious/Notoriety Meter?
  3. The fight is only half the battle.
  • Clark Kent/Daily Planet Gameplay -
  1. Use journalism points to influence positive PR for Superman to help positively affect Notoriety Meter and to decrease Notorious Meter.
  2. Previously helped destroy a Luthor Corp. War Machine but negatively increased attrition meter because of alot of loses? Did you choose to send Doomsday on a trajectory towards the school children instead of the government building to save more lives? Use journalism options to write story feel good story series about the good works those workers were doing for Metropolis to increase public opinion about positives of Superman's choice to save them.
  3. You can use journalism points to influence the building of certain infrastructure to keep Metropolis a progressing and lively city or influence them to build protections that can assist Superman.
  4. Use journalism points to influence negative stories or start investigations about Metropolis' most vocal critics against Superman such as toxic emissions from a Wayne Corp or Lex Corp power plant - this will help when you make a bad move as superman so their influence on public opinion may be blunted.
  5. Journalism is a dirty business - But to keep Superman in Metropolis' good graces? You've got to get dirty.

STORY MODE/ Everlasting End Game
  • Although there would be a story arc, with certain concrete missions and cut scenes, throughout the story and after the main story is finished - the Battle & threats system continue indefinitely to keep the player coming back to see how long he can maintain peace between Superman and public opinion.
  • Leaderboard indicated how long - in game time - that players have maintained good relations.
  • Dynamic challenge & difficulty where the game adapts and progressively becomes harder in it's post endgame making the accomplishment of maintaining that peace a thing to brag about.
  • There should be a shadow of Mordor nemesis system - shoutout to @Brief Keef - that change up and respond to how superman previously defeated or was defeated by a villain in previous interactions. Imagine not fully sending General Zod to the darkzone and a future engagement he says, "Those pitiful humans crucified you when you couldn't prevent our fight from killing those poor churchgoers who's church I threw you into...ha...wait till they see what you can't prevent today!"
The above mentioned is the only way a Superman game could work. I need to edit this and pitch this to every studio. :wow::wow:

Honestly a full open world game from platinum or NRS would be the company of my choosing. NRS has the experience from the injustice series and pretty much have the characters style and abilities down perfectly along with a great story, the question would be could they make a open world game.

Platinum would kill the gameplay and have superman doing things we all wish superman would do. The story might be lackluster tho.