No, I am married to the mother of my child for 27 years. I have seen plenty of men fall into the problem though, and I have seen many of those sort of women not be grateful for those men who chose to be step-daddies. This has also been noticed by many men all over the country, whom have expressed their own experiences on the issue.I feel like this is a personal view, almost like you experienced it beforebtw how old are you
I avoided the problem, by avoiding women who had children by men who were known to not be father material. I was not adverse to women who already had children, I was adverse to women who had children by men whom they knew were ain't shyt guys. So if she was a single mother because they were married and things did not work out, but he is an upstanding man, I had no problem with dating her. If she was a widow, because her husband died in an accident or in a war, then no problem there either. If she was a single-mother because she allowed herself to be impregnated by a drug user, high recidivism felon, hobosexual, or multiple baby momma creator; I would pass her on by, because her having a child for him demonstrates that she is unhinged herself and only seeking someone to fix what she intentionally destroyed.
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