Dusty Baker one of the realest nikkas in Baseball.

Mar 11, 2022
Stories from former players per The Athletic:

Arroyo: I was standing out in front of the hotel with a girl and he walked up to her and he said, “You know who I am?” She said, “No.” He said, “You seen that commercial with the guy with the beard in the beer commercial, the most interesting man in the world?” And he said, “Well, I’m the second-most-interesting man in the world.” That was pretty much the damn truth.

Ryan Dempster, Cubs: We had a (motivational) team meeting. And at the end of the team meeting, he said, “To quote Too Short…”

Kelley: Dusty is like: “I see all you guys in the video room, just looking at your swings, reading all these stats. At some point you have to just say, ‘F— all that s— and just go out there and hit.’” He’s like, “All I hear is y’all talking about launch angle and tendencies and exit velocity.” He’s like, “F—ing exit velocity!? Motherf—ing exit velocity?! How about motherf—ing exit hits?!”

Blanton: He calls me and Shawn Kelley and is like, “Hey, can I see you guys in my office in 10 minutes?” As soon as we walk in, Dusty’s smoking a cigar, Tupac was blasting so loud you couldn’t hear him talk and he just gives us a speech.

Chris Heisey, Reds and Nationals: We were playing in Wrigley Field, and I was in a major slump. He told me one day: “You look like a statue in the batter’s box. You need to take your wife dancing.” I’m like, “Dusty, I don’t dance.” He’s like, “Yeah, I can tell.”

Heisey: One time he called me into his office in Cincinnati. I don’t do a whole lot of cussing, and he knew that so he’d always apologize for cussing around me. He goes: “Hey, Heisey, I know how you grew up. I know you’re a cheap (expletive). I think you should give this to your wife.” And he gave me this Louis Vuitton purse.

Blanton: He left moonshine in my locker…I went into his office, and he was like, “I got it from a buddy of mine. I know you’re from Kentucky so you probably like that s—.”

Will Clark, Giants: He loved calling people by their nicknames … Til this day, when he and I talk on the phone, he’s like, “Thrillllaaah!”

Dempster: Going to Cincinnati, you go over the bridge and you come (into the city). The bus just went by the exit. We were getting in later, maybe sometime between 11 and 12. And the bus just kept going and it went like one or two exits up. Not a normal route. Is there a road closed or something? Nope, Bake is just going to get his hair cut, so he had the bus drop him off at his barber shop that he liked.

Arroyo: He used to walk out of the office an hour before the game and say, “Bronson, why isn’t the music on?”

Kelley: “Turn that s— up.”

Arroyo: Miguel Cairo used to have this habit of sneaking into the kitchen and getting into some food and I don’t know if he was doing it on purpose, but he ate Dusty’s soup one day. Dusty started figuring out that Cairo was the one eating his food and he was basically like, “Don’t ever do that again or I’m going to cut ya.” You don’t play with Dusty’s food, man.

Kelley: So I go in there and he’s like, “Shut the door and sit down.” He goes, “You know we’ve got the Cubs in here. You know I hate them motherf—ers. I was laying in bed last night and thinking: How are we going to beat these motherf—ing Cubs?” I’m like, “Skip, we’re better, come on, we’ve got this.” I’m trying to pump him up. He’s like: “I think I figured it out. I think we’ve got to out-Irish these motherf—ers.” I said, “Wait, what?”
He goes, “We’ve got to out-Irish these motherf—ers.” I said: “Out-Irish them?” And he goes: “Yeah, there are some Irish motherf—ers in Chicago, and we’ve got to out-Irish them. Name like Shawn Kelley, I figured you’re the most Irish motherf—er on this team, so you’re going to eat that Shepard’s Pie out there and we’re going to beat these motherf—ers.”

Real nikka first ballot Hall of Famer :smugdraper::mjlol:


Feb 12, 2014
Stories from former players per The Athletic:

Real nikka first ballot Hall of Famer :smugdraper::mjlol:

We been making these jokes over nearly a decade and I'll be damned he really is like that :mjlol:

He’s like, “F—ing exit velocity!? Motherf—ing exit velocity?! How about motherf—ing exit hits?!”



Dec 26, 2016

Dem fried ribs HITTIN, aint dey nephew? *laughs like a spray bottle*
I should not be laughing this hard