wwF logo, and DX Suck It jersey is visible. They were pushing DX (the classic DX not that HHH/HBK bs) whenever that pic was taken.
Most likely New Age Outlaws had the tag straps and X-Pac was tweening not a heel, same as the rest of the group. Or, the red sign could be a reference to him being tagged with Kane (also a fan favorite group).
When I had my sign it was at the height of them tryna make ppl hate him. But I didn't care. That was my dude. I even played him in the wrestling card came despite him not having a starter deck (so you have to randomly find him or trade for him) and his starting hand size being 0, lower than everyone else in the game. (That means on the first turn you always get hit no matter what cause you have no cards to block or dodge with) shyt was fukked up. They wanted my to lose SO bad. But I was at the comic shop boddying fools with top rope planchas and shyt.
I went to Staples Center for a Smackdown and had made a sign that said X is Next and had X-Pac doing that spin kick with a championship belt I glued on his picture. Don't remember the year but it was around 2000 cause I was still in high school and had to get a ride there cause I didn't even have a driving permit yet. This was back when X-Pac/Justin Credible/Albert were a group. The only match I remember from that night was Benoit vs Angle though.
They inspect all the signs at the door, and if your sign is popping for somebody they want to have heat they confiscate it and put it on a big pile of signs they have taken. Then every 5 minutes or so somebody throws the whole pile away.
They do it like that so by the time they actually throw your sign away you are inside so you don't see it. But I was like 15. I wasn't stupid.
You keep throwing this pile in the garbage every 5 minutes, then you take my sign and put it in the pile like I don't know whats gonna happen to it.

But I think its so lil kids dont have to actually watch them crumple their sign and toss it in the
That shyt hurt my soul, breh. I had to go to Home Depot to buy that big ass poster board...

It had magic marker and glitter and I had to print out a big ass picture of x-pac and glue shyt together.
When I went to Wrestlemania when it was here in LA a few years ago I didn't even bring a sign. Part of my wrestling fandom was already dead inside from that shyt.