any of yall style your dreads? how long yu keep the it for before you unravel your dreads to normal?
any washing tips?
Yes mine are just now reaching my neck area and the longer you keep it in the longer its curly. I'd say they stay curly for about 1/2 the time you keep it in so you keep it in 2 weeks a good week or so and 3 weeks it'll stay curly a week or two depending on your hair.
For shampoos use non residue/thicker shampoos. Selecting the right one is probably one of the hardest steps for maintainance. There is little or no market for us for shampoos. Stay away from shampoos for white people(ie head and shoulders), with long ingredient lists, stay away from sulfates and parabens, and thick ass shampoos (ie, head and shoulders) make sure it's at least minimally slightly transparent. Also if your in dire need to wash your hair and you have no shampoo you can dilute down some regular shampoo and use it. Ask the saloons which type they use.
I've been through sooo many shampoos and found shea moisture black soap to clean well smell good and still not gunk up my dreadlocks. I just feel like some of those mango lime spray or leave in shampoos don't clean your shyt right. I have a lot of drandruff naturally which can be a PITA when you have dreads.