A few points:
1 Drake as a rapper is too passive aggressive and self congratulatory, reminds me of Jay around 'Blueprint 2',
2 Why is he talking about phone taps? That's Trump levels of delusion and grandiose paranoia....
3. I love the explorations of new genres, that I am not really familiar with, but you can't really think that dude is some master musical genius, this is all clearly a team effort
4. His lyrics too often are far too generic and "safe", "for everybody", he really does bridge the gap between the cultures, and give people an intro to rap.
5. Perfect travel music, I plan to be in London playing a few of these tracks soon
6. Tracks like 'Teenage Fever', 'Blem', '4422', are easily my favorites, and that isn't rap, at all, but it's dope.
7. The production team really has done amazing work with him, and deserve their place in the game next to some of the legends. I only wish we had a more worthy person as their outlet, I don't really connect with Drake like that as a rapper, or a person, I came up splitting 99 cent burgers with my homies in 6th grade, and bagging up ounces when I was 16, dude doesn't come from that.
"why is my struggle different then others" that whole part is pretty tone deaf and out of touch, that's for the upper middle class orthopedic conference attending fans...
edit: and clearly, this record isn't going anywhere through the summer....this could play in a club all the way through. and that's by design.