It's based upon your weapon, so its more like DMC.Havent copped yet but have a question since Im seeing that the Archer doesnt have blades and that classes have been either nerfed or straight up changed:
Is the Warfarer class designed to be a way to recreate those classes from Dark Arisen like Assassin by combining Thief/Archer into a single play style? Or Does it work more like Dantes style switching from DMC games where your locked in to one style and you have to switch on the fly
Whats to stop me from going Warrior/Archer/Thief or Mystic Spearhand/Magick Archer/Mage and just wrecking shyt?
You use Daggers you can use the Core skills that you have unlocked with Thief.
You can still only use three different Weapon skills period.
I use Daggers and two skills from Thief and Spearhand with one skill (OP Bubble Shield).
So still being limited to three weapon skills is what keeps you from being super OP. But not by much.
You become overpowered by lvl 50 if not before then.