Essential Dragonball Super? New series set after Majin Buu saga


Supreme Chancellor
May 6, 2012
New York
Hey, anyone wanna fill me in on what's been going on since super the anime ended? A new villain named Moro appeared?

King P

Legends Never Die
Nov 12, 2012
Views From The X
Truth hurts :manny: :pachaha:

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the Cell arc. It has it's moments. Not saying it's garbage. But it's not on the same level as the Saiyan Saga and the Namek Saga. It's on the same level as the Buu saga. And if most people treated it as such, I wouldn't be hard so hard on it.

The problem is most people try to make it out as "the peak" of Dragon Ball (Z). Can't tell you how many times I've heard fans say "I stopped watching DBZ after the Cell saga" and "DBZ stopped being good after the Cell saga". The reality though is that it's not even close to being the peak of DB(Z) and it's actually the start of all the problems that still plague this franchise *Deontay Wilder voice* "TO THIS DAY!!!"

This extreme love for the Cell saga is really exclusive to the casual Dragon Ball fanbase. The more hardcore base (guys like Geekdom 101) are of the same opinion of the Cell saga as I am. But guys like that are in the minority. A vocal minority, but a minority nonetheless. The average DB fan hasn't faithfully watched all the animes, in multiple dubs and subs, nor read any of the mangas. The average fan, really only watched DBZ on Toonami when they were kids. And the Cell saga was the peak of their interest in the show. By the time the Buu saga came around, they had outgrown the show, and just stopped watching it (let's be perfectly clear, Dragon Ball is mainly for kids whether you wanna admit it or not). And so whenever DBZ is brought up presently, the Cell Saga is brought up in such an endearing fashion, because those kids are all grown up (and are all posting online) and they're reminiscing on part of DBZ that they enjoyed so much when they were younger.

That is way the Cell Saga is overrated and a product of nostalgia :manny:


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Truth hurts :manny: :pachaha:

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the Cell arc. It has it's moments. Not saying it's garbage. But it's not on the same level as the Saiyan Saga and the Namek Saga. It's on the same level as the Buu saga. And if most people treated it as such, I wouldn't be hard so hard on it.

The problem is most people try to make it out as "the peak" of Dragon Ball (Z). Can't tell you how many times I've heard fans say "I stopped watching DBZ after the Cell saga" and "DBZ stopped being good after the Cell saga". The reality though is that it's not even close to being the peak of DB(Z) and it's actually the start of all the problems that still plague this franchise *Deontay Wilder voice* "TO THIS DAY!!!"

This extreme love for the Cell saga is really exclusive to the casual Dragon Ball fanbase. The more hardcore base (guys like Geekdom 101) are of the same opinion of the Cell saga as I am. But guys like that are in the minority. A vocal minority, but a minority nonetheless. The average DB fan hasn't faithfully watched all the animes, in multiple dubs and subs, nor read any of the mangas. The average fan, really only watched DBZ on Toonami when they were kids. And the Cell saga was the peak of their interest in the show. By the time the Buu saga came around, they had outgrown the show, and just stopped watching it (let's be perfectly clear, Dragon Ball is mainly for kids whether you wanna admit it or not). And so whenever DBZ is brought up presently, the Cell Saga is brought up in such an endearing fashion, because those kids are all grown up (and are all posting online) and they're reminiscing on part of DBZ that they enjoyed so much when they were younger.

That is way the Cell Saga is overrated and a product of nostalgia :manny:
:duck:And you still haven't explained how Buu was better

King P

Legends Never Die
Nov 12, 2012
Views From The X
:duck:And you still haven't explained how Buu was better
Because Buu (all 3 versions) is a waaaay more interesting character than Cell. Funnier, more original, better fights, better moveset, and jut a more overall interesting personality

People like Cell because he's the villain version of Goku/Vegeta. But as a character, I find him to be vain/shallow and uninteresting. He's a knockoff. Both Frieza and Buu have way more personality, and are way more interesting. Not just "I'm perfect and just wanna test my strength against the best fighters" We already have the Saiyans for that :camby:

Funny that when they did a poll in Japan asking who were the most popular characters, Buu ranked higher than Cell :sas1:

2004 Character Poll
1) Goku
2) Vegeta
3) Gohan
4) Trunks
5) Piccolo
6) Goten
7) Krillin
8) Majin Buu
9) Frieza
10) Android 18
11) Mr. Satan
12) Korin
13) Roshi
14) Cell

2018 Antagonist Poll
1) Frieza
2) Broly
3) Jiren
4) Goku Black
5) Majin Buu
6) Hit
7) King Piccolo
8) Cell


Buu >>> Cell :umad:
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Feb 21, 2014
Duval County
Truth hurts :manny: :pachaha:

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the Cell arc. It has it's moments. Not saying it's garbage. But it's not on the same level as the Saiyan Saga and the Namek Saga. It's on the same level as the Buu saga. And if most people treated it as such, I wouldn't be hard so hard on it.

The problem is most people try to make it out as "the peak" of Dragon Ball (Z). Can't tell you how many times I've heard fans say "I stopped watching DBZ after the Cell saga" and "DBZ stopped being good after the Cell saga". The reality though is that it's not even close to being the peak of DB(Z) and it's actually the start of all the problems that still plague this franchise *Deontay Wilder voice* "TO THIS DAY!!!"

This extreme love for the Cell saga is really exclusive to the casual Dragon Ball fanbase. The more hardcore base (guys like Geekdom 101) are of the same opinion of the Cell saga as I am. But guys like that are in the minority. A vocal minority, but a minority nonetheless. The average DB fan hasn't faithfully watched all the animes, in multiple dubs and subs, nor read any of the mangas. The average fan, really only watched DBZ on Toonami when they were kids. And the Cell saga was the peak of their interest in the show. By the time the Buu saga came around, they had outgrown the show, and just stopped watching it (let's be perfectly clear, Dragon Ball is mainly for kids whether you wanna admit it or not). And so whenever DBZ is brought up presently, the Cell Saga is brought up in such an endearing fashion, because those kids are all grown up (and are all posting online) and they're reminiscing on part of DBZ that they enjoyed so much when they were younger.

That is way the Cell Saga is overrated and a product of nostalgia :manny:

History of Trunks is the best part of DBZ IMO and in a lot of people's opinions and since it's how the Cell arc starts it gets a high grade. It also ends on a good and for most people, unexpected note. It was a good payoff for people who had felt like they grew with Gohan throughout the show, you went from hating the character to being able to respect and understand his growth (which later on got thrown away :francis:). But I can understand not liking the shyt in the middle.

The Buu arc started with the "Super Saiyan bargain sale" and that's when it start feeling like Toriyama was devaluing the work that was put in by the characters leading up to that point. But I do like the Buu saga and I don't put it that much lower than other sagas. A lot of people felt like Buu saga went on too long and that Buu was too similar of a villain as Cell, and since Cell came first, people don't criticize Cell, which makes sense. :yeshrug: Plus Cell is more charismatic.

King P

Legends Never Die
Nov 12, 2012
Views From The X
History of Trunks is the best part of DBZ IMO and in a lot of people's opinions and since it's how the Cell arc starts it gets a high grade. It also ends on a good and for most people, unexpected note. It was a good payoff for people who had felt like they grew with Gohan throughout the show, you went from hating the character to being able to respect and understand his growth (which later on got thrown away :francis:). But I can understand not liking the shyt in the middle.

The Buu arc started with the "Super Saiyan bargain sale" and that's when it start feeling like Toriyama was devaluing the work that was put in by the characters leading up to that point. But I do like the Buu saga and I don't put it that much lower than other sagas. A lot of people felt like Buu saga went on too long and that Buu was too similar of a villain as Cell, and since Cell came first, people don't criticize Cell, which makes sense. :yeshrug: Plus Cell is more charismatic.
:ehh: I can fukk with this, The History of Trunks was really good. Even if it was just a TV special, I wouldn't have minded putting that in the beginning instead of that bullshyt Garlic Jr filler. Gohan realizing his full potential was one of the highs of the Cell Arc, even if the road to the ending was bullshyt :francis:

I completely disagree, the Cell Saga to me is when the SSJ bargain bin sale happened. Everyone turned SSJ, and then going to different grades of SSJ1. For example, Trunks bulking up to Grade 3 of SSJ1. Only to still got stomped by Cell. The transformations meant nothing. Not until SSJ2. The Buu Saga just doubled down on the SSJ bargain bin sale, and took it to the next level. Driving it even further into the ground. But the damage had already been done by then.

The Buu saga was long, mostly due to the filler. Too much of it. When you cut out the filler, it's not much longer than the Cell saga. And I knew this because I own the DBZ Kai collection (in addition to all the other anime versions).

Cell is charismatic. But once you strip down look underneath the smugness, he's a really shallow character. He's a rip off of the Saiyans and Frieza. But at least Frieza had a personal connection, and so did Buu. Cell had none of that. Nothing about Cell is original at all. I actually like Imperfect Cell more than Perfect Cell if we're being honest.

I completely disagree, Cell and Buu are nothing alike. Only thing they have in common is the regeneration thing. Which Cell got from Piccolo, Buu's powers are his. Plus Buu can perfect other people's moves just by watching them do it. I like Buu because he's created from magic. And Dragon Ball doesn't have that many magic characters like that. That's why I liked Moro at first, until they turned him into an ordinary ki fighter. He became a Cell ripoff. Buu has much more depth to him than Cell. He's fukking hilarious and his backstory and connection to the wizards are interesting, as well as his interactions with the Z fighters and his friendship with Mr. Satan. When he was battling the Z fighters, it felt personal. And all 3 of his forms were different and interesting in their own rights. I easily prefer Buu over Cell. In fact I wish they would do more with him in Super. But at least they have him protected (like Beerus and Whis) which is more than they do for the other Z fighters, who all look like chumps 80% of the time :manny:


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
:ehh: I can fukk with this, The History of Trunks was really good. Even if it was just a TV special, I wouldn't have minded putting that in the beginning instead of that bullshyt Garlic Jr filler. Gohan realizing his full potential was one of the highs of the Cell Arc, even if the road to the ending was bullshyt :francis:

I completely disagree, the Cell Saga to me is when the SSJ bargain bin sale happened. Everyone turned SSJ, and then going to different grades of SSJ1. For example, Trunks bulking up to Grade 3 of SSJ1. Only to still got stomped by Cell. The transformations meant nothing. Not until SSJ2. The Buu Saga just doubled down on the SSJ bargain bin sale, and took it to the next level. Driving it even further into the ground. But the damage had already been done by then.

The Buu saga was long, mostly due to the filler. Too much of it. When you cut out the filler, it's not much longer than the Cell saga. And I knew this because I own the DBZ Kai collection (in addition to all the other anime versions).

Cell is charismatic. But once you strip down look underneath the smugness, he's a really shallow character. He's a rip off of the Saiyans and Frieza. But at least Frieza had a personal connection, and so did Buu. Cell had none of that. Nothing about Cell is original at all. I actually like Imperfect Cell more than Perfect Cell if we're being honest.

I completely disagree, Cell and Buu are nothing alike. Only thing they have in common is the regeneration thing. Which Cell got from Piccolo, Buu's powers are his. Plus Buu can perfect other people's moves just by watching them do it. I like Buu because he's created from magic. And Dragon Ball doesn't have that many magic characters like that. That's why I liked Moro at first, until they turned him into an ordinary ki fighter. He became a Cell ripoff. Buu has much more depth to him than Cell. He's fukking hilarious and his backstory and connection to the wizards are interesting, as well as his interactions with the Z fighters and his friendship with Mr. Satan. When he was battling the Z fighters, it felt personal. And all 3 of his forms were different and interesting in their own rights. I easily prefer Buu over Cell. In fact I wish they would do more with him in Super. But at least they have him protected (like Beerus and Whis) which is more than they do for the other Z fighters, who all look like chumps 80% of the time :manny:
Fat Buu ain't catch no bodies and Super Buu was the filler you speak of. Buu himself wasn't much like Cell in personality but the Buu saga was a ripoff Androids/Cell saga.

Cell absorbs people; Buu absorbs people

Cell regenerates; Buu regenerates

Cell kills 16; Buu kills Dabura

17 kills Gero; Buu kills Babidi

Piccolo fuses with Kami; Vegeta fuses with Goku

Both Cell and Buu could've been killed earlier but the Z-fighters were stupid

Goku sacrificed himself; Vegeta sacrificed himself. Cell and Buu survived.

Both were defeated by Mr. Satan

The first Z-fighter to get attacked by the Androids got his energy drained; Spopovich and Yamu drained Gohan's energy

Vegeta gets his ass kicked and has to be rescued by Trunks in both sagas
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May 9, 2014
if the latest rumoured brief rough translation of the chapter leads to what people think it is, then woooah Toyo/Toriyama (I say Toriyama too because yes indeed he and their editor approve everything and share ideas) fumbled the ending to this arc big time.