Now that I think about it. This has to be one of the worst endings to any anime movie I have ever seen.
Unless Whis turning back time was of HUUUUUUUUUUUGE significance to the future of the story, that was the dumbest writing I have ever seen.
All the fighting was pointless because Freiza was going to blow up the planet anyway. Goku didn't save the day, Whis did with his time travel cheat codes. If Whis was trying to teach Goku and Vegeta a lesson they both failed miserably and nothing was learned. How in the world can you end your movie with the protagonist losing only to have a 3rd party step in and make him win. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS WHOLE fukkING MOVIE?!?
Goku literally just lost!!! Earth was blown up right in front of his eyes and he fukking LAUGHS IT OFF?! And Vegeta just scolds and says I'm never fighting with Goku ever and he STILL keeps up this "I'm going to be the one that kills you kakarot." act....
There was an opportunity for a hardcore serious lesson to be learned by Goku and Vegeta and its basically missed.
Whis could have took Goku and Vegeta right before the explosion and be like

as they both watch the earth explode. And explain to them that their petty squabbles, their over confidence, and their pride just cost them their lives and the lives of their loved ones. THEN Whis could of been like "But we can change this outcome if you both work together

" He turns the clock back in time then Goku and Vegeta finish off Frieza TOGETHER! (similar to Cooler)
ITS THAT fukkING SIMPLE! Goku and Vegeta both learn a lesson and they commit to train and fight as a team instead of individuals. A perfect character development arc.
Which is why Toriyama is an idiot and needs to step away from the DBZ writing and let someone else have a turn because he's obviously running out of ideas.
What's the point of Goku and Vegeta getting stronger if anyone can just come by and destroy the planet. They literally can't protect earth anymore no matter how strong they get. Goku and Vegeta need to leave earth and let the story continue somewhere else where the threat of earth blowing up can't be some sort of high stakes cop out.
Toriyama did a terrible job at having any type of connection with the rest of the earth when it came to the Z fighters. We had more of a connection with planet Namek and its people than we do of Earth. How fukked up is that? And yet Toriyama still thinks Earth is a good way to show how high the stakes are when he portrays Earth as just another background for a fight scene and ALL humans as dumb, clumsy, ignorant, cowardly oblivious, and weak.....
I'm losing confidence in the future of the franchise...