That didn’t stop a lick of violence.So we really gonna just ignore the stop the violence movement in 89?
He said it hasn't done shyt for the Black community in 50 years. So we really gonna just ignore the stop the violence movement in 89?
The same stop the violence movement that influenced the West Coast to address the gang issue?
All this while in the midst of Hip hop being in the height of the conscious era that had brothers wearing African medallions and dressing Afrocentric. Dr Umar has confirmed numerous times he doesn't know shyt about hip hop history but where the fuk was he in the late 80s/early 90s that he doesn't remember this era? Maybe I'm jumping the gun because I'm just going by this one clip. Maybe there is more and he does mention it in the full version, we will see when the full version is available and if he does I'll stand corrected but based on this clip it sounds like he doesn't know the history.
That didn’t stop a lick of violence.
That was the era we grew up in, but Hip Hop was something completely different back then. Those kinda records would never get the green light today. But the top artists today would also never commit to that kind of message and release records like that. There aren't any on that scale. Hip Hop stood for something back then. It was actually another tool for education. Today, there's nothing being pushed on the records that anyone can learn from.
So as much we love Hip Hop, we have to honest about the quality of what's being pushed today, and think about how different the unity and messaging was back in the day. Rappers are literally trying to kill other rappers now. You didn't see that back then, like that. This need for "opps" and to create drama with each other, has kept everything from moving forward and evolving. So now the wrong people own all of this, and all the artists are beefing over crumbs and bullsh*t. That's on the people.
But Umar said "Hip Hop hasn't done shyt in 50 years." You yourself just acknowledged the message from 89 and 1990 was positive. That was 34/35 years ago. So Umar is wrong. That's why I said he doesn't know the history.
I would assume he doesn't mean literally.
Well then anything other then meaning literally doesn't make sense. That's like asking what has Jazz done for the Black community? What has Blues done for the Black community? What has R&B done for the Black community. Anything outside of acknowledging that Hip Hip is and has been a 'genre of music' for decades is over exaggeration.
Nobody was talking that "we need health insurance for these funk artists and we need other funk artists to support this movement" back in the day. Nobody was talking that "These doo wop singers need to build banks in the Black community" back in the day, so to expect it from Hip Hop is unrealistic.