This is why the academy is so funny...
I understand what she is but what she is saying is undermining the biological and materialist ramifications of sexuality...
Life reproduces...
Homosexuals can't reproduce....
Homosexuals cannot exist without Heterosexuals...
Heterosexuality is life giving...homosexuality is peak hedonism...
Yes under capitalism human life is a commodity and under capitalism heterosexuality is preferred due to the reproductive nature of it and it's ability to create more work slaves and in order for this to happen gender oppression had to had to be providers and women had to be nuturers...and all that shyt...
But you can't say heterosexuality is a social construction...but then act like your homosexuality is innate...
Cause motherfukker why don't you just do what every other human society ever done...before Western imperialism and the Church...before we talked about people being "straight" and people being "gay" before that...human beings just every order primate...
People would do all types of freaky shyt but at the end of the day...they still had a wife or a they can reproduce...
Homosexuality is a natural expression of the broad spectrum of human sexuality but it's an aberration...homosexuals do not lead to reproduction...and I know human beings don't have sex just to reproduce...but still...
Even artificial insemination and heterosexual...