I have been listening to "Man-Not" via the C.O.W.S. Radio book club -- and in addition to Misandry -- one thing he really focuses on is Black Feminist/Black Feminism.
Which I understand.
But, the way he presents the conversation and data makes it appear Black Feminist = Black Women GroupThink. Like it's the key voice of Black Women.
He focuses on Feminism and how white women have used and continue to use some black women as their mouthpiece. And he has a hyper focus on Black Feminism.
As a C.O.W.S listener and student of how to combat Racism/White Supremacy -- it seems like his focus should be on White Supremacy and how that solely has worked to deepen (or try too...) the divide between black men and black women.
The focus on Black Feminism makes it appear that the majority of BW -- are Anti-BM and Anti-Black Family - --- and -- to me -- seems to create more division instead of healing and understanding.
White supremacy ideology (systemic racism) and patriarchy -- the overlapping domains used to support white male domination -- are the primary problems affecting BM and BW - anything else - such as Black Feminism - is a symptom of it.
When I go into the comments on articles about "The Man-Not" it is really sad. It's not productive in healing any gender issues and clearing up misinformation.
It's casting more blame and division amongst each-other and not White Supremacy.
If I am reading this wrong - please let me know - as I am really trying to understand it all.