I'm only halfway into the interview, but Dr Boyce Watkins is basically saying what Dame said in a more articulate way. I like how most of the time the hosts tried to throw Dame under the bus, Watkins didn't fall for it. Like he said, Dame provides energy that is needed. The whole topic going viral is because of Dame Dash. I agree there are flaws in Dame's argument, but who doesn't have flaws? Dame is out there regardless of the outcome or how he comes off to others.
The hosts keep asking, "how do you get the money to be your own boss". In some ways, I feel that is a insincere question coming from them. A response to that is, "how do kids keep getting money for Jordans"? It's the mentality of a person that separates someone investing in themselves vs buying material goods. It's clear from this back and forth that some people are just cut out to be employees and some are better suited to be entrepreneurs. 99% of the underlying difference between the two people is FEAR. They might not want to admit it, but that's what it comes down to.
In the beginning stages of running a business, you almost become delusional because you're the only person that believes in your idea. Many people just don't have that self confidence. If you're going to do it, you have to be ok with the outcome of striking oil or failing. If you're scared to fail, you're better of just being an employee.