I've personally never owned stocks during a buyout but I think it happens before the market opens or after it closes and your brokerage will notify you of the buyout and the price per share, the money will go straight to your account. I cant wait for the day that any one stock that I invest heavily in gets bought out and I wake up rich
But with Cormedix, just like any company we invest in, we just gotta stay on top of our research the good bad and the ugly. I told you what I believe are positive indications of a successful path the FDA approval and to market, but some things that may worry me is although it doesn't seem likely the FDA can ask for another phase 3 before they consider approving and that would take about another year. Second is that they need a partnership sooner than later because they are short cash and could not do that much more studies unless they find a partner or dilute shares

and you know we all hate share dilution. I set up a whole other brokerage account primarily for Cormedix because that brokerage has all market hours from 4 a.m. to 8 p.m. I would hate for bad news to hit and I cant sell until 9 a.m. when the shares have lost half its value.
I believe Cormedix will eventually get approved in the United States the question is how long and what path would they have to take. With any stock there is huge risk but when the rewards look as good as this its very much worth it. I literally look up info on this stock everyday got Google alerts and everything