One of the realest lines in GNX. I lived in Los Angeles for over two years and heard a bunch of transplants (technically I'm one too but I'm not really involved in the Hollywood lifestyle) shyt on LA and say it's ass when they never go south of the 10 freeway and stay in Hollywood, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Silver Lake, and Venice all day. Not interacting with the brehs in South Central and Inglewoods, the foos in East LA and Highland Park or the pinoys and Samoans in Carson.
What's your city's equivalent of that line?
I got family in Inglewood I saw the first time I visited, I got friends from LB and Carson. I learned real quick that I looked like I was from out of town so as long as I went about my business, and didn’t do anything stupid, I’d probably be good.
With that being said, ain’t know way in HELL I’m going to visit East LA, HP, or none of that shyt lol.
I was stationed in Southern California and a lot of my friends in my unit were from LA. I got to meet a lot of different random ethnic groups. Couldn’t go visit my Senior Line while he was at home because they were in it with everybody. He invited all us over one night but the police had the whole block surrounded to prevent retaliation. Another Latino dude from our unit tried to drop in on him one weekend and got Training day’d on sight lol.

It’s a reason people don’t be wanting to go south of the 10 lol.