Not this shyt again! People who are classified as Black or Non-White need to study the European and American histories (including colonial Spanish American like African men escaping slavery St. Augustine and marrying Indian women ), talk to elders, research their own family oral history, Census records, marriage certificates, etc and even those bogus DNA tests before they claim anything. I refuse to have a person that cannot name their great grandparents forward, on
both sides, to tell me what I am or who I should identify with (I have a family tree
). Whites, or rather the elites, have a history of displacing others and renaming them to suit their agenda and maintain systems. Most North Carolinians are taught nothing about the Tuscarora War,however it was a brutal massacre where women and children prisoners of war were sent to English colonies on the Caribbean islands for slave labor. This type of genocidal shyt continued along the Eastern Seaboard for centuries (not taught in history). So much for that Coolie blood or family features being attributed solely to immigrant workers from India. Slaves were often sold every few years so it was difficult to maintain ties, family or any type of tradition or history. Not to mention intermixing and all disenfranchised/conquered people given the same moniker. Indians in Brazil were called
negros da terra by the Portuguese, the leaders of the slave trade, and many mixed with the sub-subharan transplants. Lets not mention the African slaves that were traded in Virgn
Americans who maintained their "African-ness" and culture are the Gullah in Low Country or Savannah and people pick on their and accents (and their strange love of rice
) with a vengeance. Anyone country and backwards is called a Geechie. Even the Yoruba on the Islands or those Catholics who practice Santeria (African roots) are picked ostracized. The rest of Black Americans are a hodgepodge of displaced people, many from multigenerational poverty, corralled together under the same label, unless you were lucky enough to pass or marry out. Is it no coincidence that the descendants of those Mississippi sharecroppers that fled to California, Detroit and Chicago are in similar economic conditions as their great grandparents? These hoteps, natural nazis and new Queen Bey Formation militants are getting annoying with their ignorance. If anything this call to Africa should be a global concept, including all displaced people. There will never be a solution to this until oppressed people, globally and collectively, come together. Hell enough Mexicans with knowledge and balls could bankrupt this country alone since it has never truly honored the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago to this day. Not to mention if Black Americans went to UN and charged the US of crimes against humanity as Malcolm, Paul Robeson et. al attempted to do. Instead we keep begging for acceptance, inclusion (while sporting a locs and a twist out with edges on "fleek") instead of dismantling this global economic caste system while fighting over arbitrary terms denoted to keep our Black/Coloured/Mulatto/Negro/African asses in perpetual poverty. Pardon my rant but it truly saddening to see so many ignorant and broken people.