brazil did benefit from the slave trade just like the us did. they actually have always had a relatively good economy. and where do you think the capital (funding) came from for these countries to establish and grow their wealth? yep, slave labor. in the us, even though the south was primarily the slave labor area many northern corporations and businessmen invested in plantations and/or profited heavily from the cheap price of goods provided by free slave labor. you should do the knowledge on slave economics because it is the root of prosperity in america and most countries where they had successful long term slave trade.
i didnt say brazil or the us didn't benefit from the slave trade, i said they did, and i also said the us owes the slaves
but brazil had way more slaves than the US, the brazilian economy was horrible and backwards for almost the entire 20th century, its nowhere even close to the american economy, never has been, only recently has it begun to show any significance and yet their slave population was way larger than the US
on top of that when you look at the top nations in the world economically you do not see pattern of slave trading, so my point isnt that slave trading didnt build the us economy, my point is that it isnt the root cause
the reason i make that distinction is that its important to understand why one slave economy like brazil never really developed until recently and the other slave economy developed into a super power
, its not to downplay the role of slavery its to understand how countries develop and factors that influence development
im asserting that the reason the us developed faster than brazil is because the us focused on capitalism and economic rights and it was more educated and when you look at the top economies in the world, they almost all have the same pattern, thats the thing that im tryna get at, its not trying to downplay slavery
you're also off about the principles that made america rich and prosperous vs countries in asia or africa. very different histories, political, economic and social structures.
hmm im not saying vs asia, im saying the opposite, im saying china, tawian, korea and japan are all economic powerhouses because of the same principles that made the us powerhouses
and im saying that black people here in the us and countries in africa need to follow those same paths
and i stand by my comment about not putting much value in people who talk down to me about "our problems" but can't relate to or won't acknowledge the issues people in our community go through. a rich elitist gay black man telling me everything will be ok if i pull up my pants and stop using the n word? foh
ok, then dont
the rest of what you're saying is scattered between partially agreeing or harping on what you think is a focus on white agenda. naw, i don't see it as white agenda. i see it as an agenda that focuses on blacks working to establish more balance in the areas important to us. there's only a finite number of resources in all of this. we will have to make it shift from one area to another when we become more prosperous.
you can call your ideas whatever you want but my description is plainly accurate, you plan is really a plan that is a list of what white people need to do. how is that not a white agenda?
the black agenda is what black people need to do, aside from demanding that white people do the things in the list, what is it that black people need to do?
i dont want to put words in your mouth but from what i see your "black agenda" is that we need go and demand that white people do these things
good luck with that
i think the black agenda is fighting for individual rights and economic rights, but that whole wealth sharing thing is bogus
there's only a finite number of resources in all of this.
this statement is exactly why i think your "white agenda" is bogus and this statement is part of the unconscious premise that i was referring to, its more evidence that you do not believe that black people can develop without white people
i disagree with this statement 100000000%, there is not a finite number of resources, and black people do not need white people to develop, you only think that because you are at an intellectual dead end and you see the "white agenda" as the only solution
i disagree, the way to develop south atlanta, oakland, memphis or detroit or any other black city or area is the same way any other top city or nation develops, its by focusing on education and capitalism