Don Lemon Calls Out Hollywood Stars by name during protest coverage


May 15, 2014
THIS! Where is the smoke for the DA, chief of police, city council, mayor, and other politicians?! :mindblown: What good is a statement from a ball player, actor, etc going to do?

Breh this like me going upside my wife head....then she calls the police and they arrest my coworkers and bring them in for questioning. Talking about tell me why originalman hit his wife! If you don't tell me I am gonna throw the book at you...:mjlol:

Breh they only do this shyt to black folks. When white folks were marching in the streets armed and talking about my freedom. No one was like hey get Dale Earnhardt on the phone. Hey Brett Frave stop hiding and speak on this matter.

But any and every issue some black entertainers got to speak on it. I talked about this shyt when folks were demanding NBA players to speak on china and hong kong. Yet dumb ass fukking 5th grade education having mothafukkas on this site and all on the internet fell for the okie dok talking about lebron needs to speak on Hong Kong (with the media pushing this shyt as well).

Like you got to be dumb ass racist or jealous hearted never gonna accomplish shyt in life mothafukka. Why the fukk should a dude with a high school education that is paid to dribble a ball need to speak on geopolitical issues.

Then media folks and idiots on the internet talk on and on how black folks need stop looking up to entertainers. But as soon as shyt happens...turn it around and say hey black entertainers yall need to say something....:mjlol:
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Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Don Lemon was c00ning it up during the Ferguson protests and choosing his sexuality over his race. Now that he’s experienced whatever type of awakening he’s on now and wants to be the fukking Stokley Carmichael of CNN he thinks that HE can call people out?
Not just Ferguson but he was telling black men to pull their pants up, co-signing Bill orelly, he was a complete mess during the Obama years - he wisely focused on Trump and Republicans to do damage control and it’s worked.

That’s not “growth” :comeon:

Big Boss

Sep 26, 2012
THIS! Where is the smoke for the DA, chief of police, city council, mayor, and other politicians?! :mindblown: What good is a statement from a ball player, actor, etc going to do?

Breh this like me going upside my wife head....then she calls the police and they arrest my coworkers and bring them in for questioning. Talking about tell me why originalman hit his wife! If you don't tell me I am gonna throw the book at you...:mjlol:

Breh they only do this shyt to black folks. When white folks were marching in the streets armed and talking about my freedom. No one was like hey get Dale Earnhardt on the phone. Hey Brett Frave stop hiding and speak on this matter.

But any and every issue some black entertainers got to speak on it. I talked about this shyt when folks were demanding NBA players to speak on china and hong kong. Yet dumb ass fukking 5th grade education having mothafukkas on this site and all on the internet fell for the okie dok talking about lebron needs to speak on Hong Kong (with the media pushing this shyt as well).

Like you got to be dumb ass racist or jealous hearted never gonna accomplish shyt in life mothafukka. Why the fukk should a dude with a high school education that is paid to dribble a ball need to speak on geopolitical issues.

Then media folks and idiots on the internet talk on and on how black folks need stop looking up to entertainers. But as soon as shyt happens...turn it around and say hey black entertainers yall need to say something....:mjlol:

its lowkey sad

i don't have a problem with black celebs speaking out but its not even their primary job to speak or do something about social injustices

its the governer, mayor, D.A., chief of police job but folks are more interesting what black celebs have to say

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014


Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
This is just my theory, but I feel like a lot of people, from celebrities to civilians, were woken up by the George Floyd case. I don't think Black Lives Matter is anywhere near as divisive as it used to be. It could be just everybody wanting to cash in on the movement to look good, but the response I've been seeing to this is unlike any other police brutality case in the last eight years.

Everybody has had said something to say, positive or negative. And for the most part, it's been positive. Even from people you wouldn't expect to want justice for George, or people who have never talked about social issues before. Some racist pieces of shyt will tell you the murder wasn't racially motivated at all and will quickly focus on why they hate the rioting and looting, because there's only so much sympathy/empathy they can have for something like this. But even they can't deny that the cops behaved unjustly and need to be punished for what they did.

We're at a critical point in this country where something has to change. Everybody has more time now because of COVID to stop and see what's happening. In the past, it would have been easier to dismiss Mike Brown or Eric Garner, especially because people thought we were living in a post-racial society. But then Trump happened, and the world became more political. Now, the line has been drawn and there's no turning back. You're either on the right side of history or you're not.

Don Lemon seems like an example of that. I don't know if he has had a genuine change of heart or he has an ulterior motive, but if he's willing to change and see where he went wrong in the past, I'll give him the chance to. I bet that not a lot of people handled Black Lives Matter and police brutality well in the Obama era. It wasn't until circumstances became more extreme and there were less shades of grey that people were able to see more of the truth. When I was younger, All Lives Matter seemed stupid but harmless, but now I know how dangerous and counterproductive it is to say.

I don't know, just some rambling. :manny: