All facts.
That's why when men put on women tendencies, the result is far worse for them because society has no sympathy for them (as there shouldn't be)
Be a man and want to have a thot phase brehs.... see how that will turn out
Be a man and want to leave your job and go find your "purpose"
Be a man and be completely indecisive about what you want to do with your life... see if any woman comes and wifes you up and saves you
Btw this is no slickdiss to women.
I'm not suggesting that I think the standards for men should be lowered to that of women.
I'm not envious of the lifestyle women are allowed to live.
Nope, not in the slightest.
I'm saying if you're a man, man up. You cant afford to be bytching and complaining like a female.
No sympathy here, get your house in order