Does This List Applies To Every Black Woman?? (No Race Track)


Dec 31, 2012

It's a tough call. Don't know if I want to say the women are all to blame BUT let's just say that neither side is helping themselves.

It's a vicious cycle of insecurity. It's like...the women get mad because men treat them like shyt and act nonchalantly BUT the men only do it because a LOT of the women (not all, but a VERY good number) react positively to the men treating them like shyt. Whether we want to admit it or not, a good amount of what we do (as men) is to attract women. If being positive all the time didn't make the women look at dudes as soft, needy, or weak, I'm sure dudes wouldn't mind being more positive....:hula:

....but then a lot of women that really want a good dude develop bad attitudes toward men because they assume that's how all men are....and then a lot of dudes figure that most of the women have bad attitudes when it's all really just a big misunderstanding that never gets cleared up before it mushroom clouds into drama. :fight:

Folks just react positively to negativity. It's the way of the world. :manny:
Totally agree, but black woman need to take off them damn hairhats and close them legs and maybe, just maybe they can get a positive man in their life, instead of a man that's gone lie her just to get in her panties and when he gets tired of fukking he leaves her.

Woman smarten up.