Well, where is it? A brother tryin' to learn
Well, where is it? A brother tryin' to learn
looks like hong kong to me.. u can tell by the buildings that its a foreign country
this is SF:
I live in the burbs in a nice neighborhood with fenced lawn and the works, but Monday-Friday this is my view. 2 of the pics are off of Instagram so they are fuzzy when blown up.
1st 2 are from my desk.
Seattle. Space Needle in the background and I'm assuming you are talking about Key Arena.
Piffery, I been to Portland. I couldn't live up there full time because of the weather, but that metro area has some of the coolest people in the world. You feel smarter coming back from a trip there.
Philly is cool no doubt but it doesnt have that "it" factor when you see it. its looks small and bunched and just doesnt look appealing like it means business. the city is one of the biggest in the country and in the North east corridor it should be bigger and flashier i dont get it. on the ground i liked it a lot but driving in and seeing it from pictures you wouldnt think much of it
Boston can be boring since most of the buildings in downtown are boxy and brown and we dont have a 1000 footer but its been well written and said Boston architecture is some of the best in the country. but we have two skylines and the ocean to help that.
you gotta admit this is a sick view
Yeah the weather can be too much. If the weather was on par with California though we'd have 4x as many people living here. July-September though Seattle is the best place to be in the US.
Vancouver, BC > Seattle > Portland.
Yeah the weather can be too much. If the weather was on par with California though we'd have 4x as many people living here. July-September though Seattle is the best place to be in the US.
Vancouver, BC > Seattle > Portland.