the cac mamba
Ah, so you're just being intellectually dishonest while moving goal posts. Got it...
so you do take the bible literally

Ah, so you're just being intellectually dishonest while moving goal posts. Got it...
how many times a year do we need this routine 'religious bash' thread? Joint gets old, which is why I don't really bother replying to them all that much.
All the same, wisdom is proved righteous by its works...
The internet is a wonderful thing, thank u science
Real spit tho, i love when religious people say that....wisdom is proved by its if religion has actually done anything for mankind other than give them peace of mind.
there's like virtually nothing that can be attributed to religion that has benefited Religion hasn't done anything besides provide "emotional comfort" for those who decide not to accept reality. So why do people keep repeating that meme?
and please don't say Charity. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are atheist and have done more charity wise than any single religious person has ever done.
Prayer isn't all about wants, as a few other posters have alluded to. I pray everyday I can radiate what God has intended us to be. I know I'm not perfect and I readily acknowledge there will be many days that I fall short, but I pray that when I do I'll be put back on the right path. I'm not here to convert non-believers into believers, I know what prayer has done for me and that's what I can attest to. Only a heathen would call someone a fool for looking to something greater than them for direction.
The internet is a wonderful thing, thank u science
Real spit tho, i love when religious people say that....wisdom is proved by its if religion has actually done anything for mankind other than give them peace of mind.
You mean kind of like create the world's only superpower? How about you show me some successful atheist civilization? Soviet Union? Communist China?
That's a pretty big deal!
You saying that is like saying "Toilets are WORTHLESS except for when the get the doo-doo out of my house..."
Shouldn't whats true be more important than what "feels good" and gives you comfort? Bussing nutts on 12 yr olds makes pedophiles feel warm and fuzzy inside but that sh1t doesn't make it right.
If you're on pursuit of what's true then yeah, whatever gives you comfort is indeed worthless and irrelevant to that goal.