when old white women see me, they don't even clutch their purses anymore
word to @Green negs and spam

when old white women see me, they don't even clutch their purses anymore
word to @Green negs and spam
Yes breh I'm tryna go from Akon to ASAP Rocky
Nah I tried that before them tings don't work
This the dark skin manz a woman likesif you google if women prefer light skin blk men or dark skin blk men on all the results most of the women say they prefer darker skin men. yall got self esteem issues
This the dark skin manz a woman likes
Not this
You prob caramel skin you wouldn't know dat feel
Someone snap chatted a video of me today in class and he lightskin so compared to him I looked likeWhat kind of fukking c00n question is this?
No I don't know where you can get fukking bleach cream.
You need self ESTEEM
Them boys not even darkI have the same skin as a nikka Aldon Smith, Terrell Owens and Patrick Willis. The original black skin tone breh. Your post is disgusting and shameful.
This the dark skin manz a woman likes
Not this
Someone snap chatted a video of me today in class and he lightskin so compared to him I looked like