I love strange but I don't like doctor fate because he's an a$$hole ever since he showed up in young justice... he's like a fukking parasite that needs a body to live but the host has no choice while they get old and die...

what kind of bullshyt is this?!? All the technology and science and access to magic and he can't build a body for himself and live forever??? It just makes no sense to me...

nah nikka you can BUILD your own host!!!
Most mystical beings in DC comics have a bit of a dark side to them at one point. Etrigan has been known to be evil at times, Raven has been taken over and fought the Teen Titans...the mystical arts in the DC Universe aren't goody goody like Superman and Wonder Woman. Hell, even Batman can have a bit of a dark side to him depending on how you see him.
I don't consider this Dr Fate evil. He never forces anyone to don the helmet, and he even was willing to let go of Zatanna in exchange for Zatara. Its like a contract. If you want to use the powers of Fate, you have to pay its price, and its price is steep
Part of the problem, from Nabu's point of view, would have to be that he's a Lord of Order, not just another hero. While the world would sorely miss Superman if he were to be killed, there are cosmic implications to Nabu's being literally left on the shelf.
Not least of which is the freedom of Lords of Chaos like Klarion to fukk around without opposition from Order.
This is what people said on reddit that makes the most sense