My neighbor has one of these. Thing must be half cat the way he climbs trees.
I have one myself. Smartest dog breed I’ve ever seen.
All my life I’ve only seen these dogs in books and television, up until maybe like a year ago. I was uptown one pretty day chilling in some park and a lady there had one. They were only a few feet away from me and I remember just being amazed by the dog. Amazed that I was finally seeing a dog I’d read about in many a fictional novel back in the day, amazed at how present it was in the moment- so calm and alert, and I was amazed at its stature. In pictures they look skinny and ugly. But in person, they have a very formidable stature and are very symmetrical, which gives them a very neat overall appearance. And it was very smart from what I could tell by their interaction.
Pits aren’t my favorite dog, but they definitely are a close second fav. And I hate that so many posters here have drank the anti-pit koolaid of cacs. I’ve owned a total of 4 throughout my life and they were the four most affectionate, loyal, loving, big baby ass dogs I’ve ever owned. I don’t think any dog is as affectionate or possesses as much desire to please a human, as a Pitbull does. And they are VERY intelligent. Idk why this is always glazed over around here. They were far easier to train and far more obedient, than my Akitas. My pits were also intelligent escape artists, a trait they’re actually well known for. They are very smart and have shown the ability to “figure out a way” in situations where most dogs would fold just due to not having the mental capacity.
Too many dumb people owning too many pits and raising them the wrong way(leading to attacks on ppl) has dealt the breed a terrible blow in the eye of public opinion around the world.