nikkas back then was reporting on streets and it was a part of street culture. The roots for Hip Hop are from the crime invested Bronx, and kids used it as an outlet to express themselves in a myriad of ways. Hip Hop's roots are the streets and always have been. The forefathers of Hip Hop were on some gangster shyt in real life. I didn't say all your raps have to be gangster shyt, but if you are rapping about it, you should have lived it and not making it up.
You can't compare R&B to Hip Hop so bringing up Michael Jackson is irrelevant. Hip Hop was built off authenticity.
If you wanna listen to nikkas making up fake raps, have at it. shyt isn't for me. My favorite rappers all lived their lyrics or was around it.
And I don't want anyone killing anyone but if you lived a certain life, and it's really what you went through and you're dope at conveying it, why would I not want to hear that? I don't want nikkas to look for some random innocent nikka to kill to rap about it. lol. Come on man, that was a weak argument.
The majority of fans feel how I feel. If they didn't, then artists wouldn't be trying so hard to live up to the image they have in the music, because they know the consumer wants it to be real. Why 50 Cent blow up the way he did? You think if 50 had a fake background he would've blown up the same?