i think you're a good poster...
i'm just trying to figure out why we need a race track.
even with the BHI and all the rest like that talking about Esau n shyt.......... Everyone once in a while i see a gem,
you can ignore the rest.
Oh, im not in favor of the race track
I don't know if any of my posts implied as much, but fukk that, that was the bushes. Good conversation would promptly die, having the same 3 posters
replying to each other before they get bored. It isn't as bad now as it was a couple months ago for racial topics, the issue is the people who have
a certain POV don't want to argue over the merits of their opinion, they want to call others c00ns for not being on board with pro-black rhetoric.
For instance, while I have an interest in pro-black causes, the very fact that I am open to interracial relationships has caused a few conversations
to go left, despite the fact that my sexual history only includes hispanic (fair play
) and black girls, though I had to argue with a poster
over why I am a c00n for expressing my desire to accept love from wherever it comes. Instead of respecting that some people are simply
pro-equality, the pro-black defenders want to call them all sorts of names because they don't ascribe to keeping everything in a black bubble.
That said, the Race Track is a death sentence. Posters just need to avoid certain threads and let the militants(I will continue to call them that, rather
than some other offensive term) stroke each others ego's over a message board concerning black issues. Very few people here are out in the
field doing anything to help "black causes." Hell, I post so much because I am doing at-home work and my downtime is savage. Dunno why some other
people make it their mission to constantly rehash race topics that get the same result.