It's still going on over 2 years now of course but in general Do you think the movement has overall been a success or a failure? Do you support them?
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the movement just like the tea party is started with good intentions then infiltrated, monitored, neutralized then destroyed.It's still going on over 2 years now of course but in general Do you think the movement has overall been a success or a failure? Do you support them?
They needed a leader or group of leaders. They literally never got shyt accomplished during their meetings because trying to have a fair and open dialect with everyone in the park.Momentum would have been more important than a leader.
ows was a movement by poor white ppl who thought they'd had enough. same feeling black ppl have been feeling for a while. instead of poor ppl uniting they are easily and quickly played against each other. the elite/establishment keeps poor ppl divided by race and party using the media.Momentum would have been more important than a leader. To be fair, the average American does not know what the Fed is or how much is our GNP. Hell, some don't even understand the basics of the stock market. 1% of the population owning 40% of the wealth doesn't resonate with most, because they think things were always this way.
ows was a movement by poor white ppl who thought they'd had enough. same feeling black ppl have been feeling for a while. instead of poor ppl uniting they are easily and quickly played against each other. the elite/establishment keeps poor ppl divided by race and party using the media.
and also keeps them stupid by influencing education and what we learn in school. to them we should be talking about homosexuality than put the wall street criminals in jail. the wall street criminals just pay fines using our money and walk free. and they are the biggest problem in america and the world.
they trolled us into bailing them and european banks out.