We have so much more control and such a higher level of thought than other animals that.................. clearly calling us animals is a biological classification. Beyond the fact that we are a carbon based form that's not a freakin plant....
That's science though...We have to be as objective as possible... If you don't believe you are an animal, then you are starting to talk religion/philosophy or whatever semantic you are comfortable with...
Scientifically, we are animals...Regardless of how different we may be...
we are much different. "better" is simply an opinion I guess... but overall we are better. Sure we can't fly like a bird, but when a bird gets sick, it will die unless we can give it medicine. And even if it does fly we can shot it out the sky. A dolphin is highly intelligent... but they follow environments (even environments that WE set up for them) as opposed to manipulating them.
Just because we can manipulate our environment, to a certain extent, does NOT mean we are "overall better"...That behaviour is not even needed for survival, it something we do for comfort and convenience, which in turns creates a lot more problems that we can't seem to resolve...
We are talking about animals on Earth........ yet we are on here saying we are the same as animals that live and die for food - while we are looking for life on other planets.
And why are we looking for life on other planets...? Because we live and die for resources...We are motivated by the same force that drives life...SURVIVAL...However, we have bigger brains that allow us more complex behaviour to achieve that goal...
It doesn't make us "better", because a dolphin does not need to swim in an extraterrestrial ocean...A dolphin will be perfectly happy on Earth, with minimal human interference...
When you think about it, humans have very pest-like behaviours...Think of all the living organisms we (humans) consider to be "pests"....1) They destroy all resources with no balance, and when they are done in one spot, they move on to the next...they are EXPLORERS...2) They seem to be more skilled than other organisms...They are able to figure out new ways on getting to resources that may seem out of reach...PROBLEM SOLVERS...3) They live in multiple environments, and have a history in almost every corner of the world...ADAPTIVE...4) They are hard to kill, and can multiply at relatively faster rates...RESILIENT...
The only thing we do "better" is destroy...Because we don't take care of our progeny any better, we don't work together any better, we don't survive any better (there are way more plants and insects than humans on Earth)...