Ni**as Still Weird - Me
You don't rememeber when people was on that chicks head for beating the shyt outta her son in the barbershop because he didn't do the dishes or some shyt?beat on her like what? that looked like a normal whooping.
i guarantee you most of the women being fukked up by their boyfriends or hoes didn't get normal ass whoopings and decide to live that life.
every hoe isn't a potential runaway, heroin shooting, wrist slashing mess. just like every dude who shoplifts isn't dealing with getting molested at 7. some people just need to sit the fukk down somewhere
it's only the fact that its filmed that people are overreacting. im sure if our whoopings were recorded we'd say the same thing
ass whoopings became public, people stopped doing it, and now we have too many dainty nikkas and loose at the mouth(double entendre) women running around
people just aren't used to seeing black fathers discipline their children. let this been some chick slapping up her son to the heavens there wouldn't be a problem.
people on here hate ass whoopings and you see the type of shyt that runs wild on here

Whoopings don't do shyt. They either make you scared of your parents or hate them. Either way you just gonna find new ways to do what you were already gonna do. My cousins got whooped like this and they the most dysfunctional motherfukkers you could ever meet even tho they were also privileged as hell. I knew by her pops shoes that he wasn't shyt tho.