Do yaw meditate?


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
basically though your mind will probably be all cluttered with your daily worries that you are trying to relieve yourself of but me myself in that situation i just accept reality for what it is and realize life will go on as well as realizing life could be so much more difficult and you definantly dont carry the heaviest burden and also learn to forgive yourself and others

once you get past all the worrying about that you can just enjoy listening to the sound of whatever you are listening to or listen to absolute silence :ahh: dont knock it

have fun friend i hope this helps

its easy for someones mind to get distracted these days. theres phones, city noises, friends, social media, computers, etc going on all around you. while you might be trying to focus on one thing, your mind might race and think about "did I leave the stove on" "should I check my page" "do I have any chicken left in the fridge" or "me and so and so spoke yesterday about this, I wonder if..."


having a break from all noises actually helps you focus on one thing at a time easier. you also find yourself a lot more aware. meditation, or just having quiet time to think, is important. :leostare:

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
peace and quiet is good. Im all for that. I recommend going out at least one a week and walking around nature. even if its a park or the shore, just do it to get some peace for yourself.
Yeah I love to do that kind of stuff. Just walking around until I get tired. I might start doing that on Sundays or something.
you probably are going to want to see if you can find some type of "sounds of nature" type of recordings on youtube and play it while you meditate i personally enjoy this myself

PERFECT SUNSET 30min (Full HD 1080p) - YouTube

i wouldnt suggest trying to sit in any of these type of yoga looking positions while you are doing it though because what alot of people dont know is its really another form of worship if you are into spirituality or religious things, anyway you could just as easily be laying down or sitting back regular comfortable eyes closed or open whichever makes it easier for you to ease out that tension pause

or you could do the yoga thing if thats what you are into

if you gonna smoke try to clean up and tidy up the room you in if you not going to do it out in nature (wouldnt need that video if you did obviously :russ:) and get yourself cleaned up to after in that order THEN light up your trees and smoke till satisfied

basically though your mind will probably be all cluttered with your daily worries that you are trying to relieve yourself of but me myself in that situation i just accept reality for what it is and realize life will go on as well as realizing life could be so much more difficult and you definantly dont carry the heaviest burden and also learn to forgive yourself and others

once you get past all the worrying about that you can just enjoy listening to the sound of whatever you are listening to or listen to absolute silence :ahh: dont knock it

have fun friend i hope this helps
Thanks for the advice, but see you know what I mean. I get extremely deep when I'm high, I'm able to read through everything, know what I've done wrong, what I need to do next time. With meditating I'm hoping this will help me bring out the high side of me, not to where I'm actually high but where my mind isn't cluttered.


The Project's Manly P Hall
Resting in Peace
Oct 25, 2012
I'm Hard Like D-Block Readin The Book Of Enoch...
my life is a walking meditation,my mind is so centered on the Grand Architect/univer-soul symmetry that all external stimuli is stilled,life's code just lies before me in slow waves

i just gotta get my physical health up some to enjoy it further,before boom biddy bye bye Terror Firmer goes&get in a sensory deprivation tank to test my skills

then after that this The Quietest Place on Earth Will Drive You Insane Within 45 Minutes :leon::ehh:

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Also one thing that I hope meditating will help me with his my dependency if my phone/musi/Internet. Cause I just can't seem to get away from it no matter how hard I try.


May 12, 2012
the evils of truth, and love
its easy for someones mind to get distracted these days. theres phones, city noises, friends, social media, computers, etc going on all around you. while you might be trying to focus on one thing, your mind might race and think about "did I leave the stove on" :"should I check my page" "do I have any chicken left in the fridge" or "me and so and so spoke yesterday about this, I wonder if..."


having a break from all noises actually helps you focus on one thing at a time easier. you also find yourself a lot more aware. meditation, or just having quiet time to think, is important. :leostare: perverts the senses :leostare:

Yeah I love to do that kind of stuff. Just walking around until I get tired. I might start doing that on Sundays or something.

Thanks for the advice, but see you know what I mean. I get extremely deep when I'm high, I'm able to read through everything, know what I've done wrong, what I need to do next time. With meditating I'm hoping this will help me bring out the high side of me, not to where I'm actually high but where my mind isn't cluttered.

:yes: cosign, do it till its sub-conciously embedded


Misanthropy Personified
Apr 12, 2013
In the south!
I do but at first its really hard to sit and think about absolutely nothing. Well without falling asleep. Chanting helps keep you on track.

Oh and you dont have to chant that "Nom Yo Ha Renge Kyo" ish but whatever works for you. I perfer to chant "bandz'll make her dance"
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
@stealthbomber :salute:

Matthew 6:22 Jesus says, “If your eye be single you body will fill with light”.

That is why in Genesis 32:30 Jacob says, “ I have seen God face to face and I will call this place Peniel”.

The Pineal Gland of the brain is the single eye, the third eye.

As Rene Descartes referred to it, “the seat of the soul”.

It is the light receptor of the body and when the Pineal is stirred in meditation enlightenment occurs.


There are 5 stages of consciousness in Greek.

1=Earth (the brain/body),

2=Water (2nd stage of consciousness in meditation )

3=Air (3RD stage of consciousness in meditation where we separate from thought)

4=Fire (4th stage of consciousness where we become charged with the higher light)

5=(5th stage which is the new mind).

Jesus walking on water

The story has Peter stepping out of the boat on to the water to walk towards Jesus who is walking on the water.

When Peter looks down he sinks.

What this means is that when you enter into meditation and rise to the second level of consciousness which is done by separating from thought, you will find Jesus who is the life force that comes to us in this stage of meditation.

That second stage is called water and where Jesus walks on the water.

When you start thinking is when you are looking down and you will fall out of that stage where Christ exists in meditation.

When you reach this stage you will then be lifted in invisible light to the 4th stage which is air.

That is also a misunderstood scripture which says we will rise and meet Jesus in the air.

It means higher mind.
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