Hear me out. While I know it's a hot bed issue for women's rights, the majority of the noise for this is coming from white women. I noticed during the DNC they talked a LOT about abortion and reproductive rights.
My theory is that Republicans are trying to force WW to have more babies so they aren't replaced. Whites have more dwindling birth rates now.
Hispanics, due to their religiosity and culture, generally don't have abortions. Many are Catholic and don't even use contraception. They're on track to be the largest minority group in the next few decades.
Asian and Indian groups aren't having babies like that. They're having lower birth rates and statistics show that they only account for less than 6% of abortions.
Blacks have high birth rates also but there's enough BW that have abortions that are making our numbers to be more controlled by the powers that be so they're not as worried about us.
Based on empirical evidence and viewing different communities it just seems that post Rowe V Wade being overturned that this issue has just mattered MORE to WW. Recall more white women voted for Trump in 2020. Abortion rights are energizing the female base to vote, which is why we see them leaning so much into it in the DNC.
At least in some Black communities we just absorb the family in many instances. I've had a few cousins have kids out of wedlock and we'd just take care of them. Abortion wasn't something that came up in conversation whether due to religious upbringing or cultural norms. Still - because Blacks have historically fought for social justice we see more pro choice.
Anyways just some random thoughts and was curious if I'm onto something here. I don't really see minority women leaning into abortion rights as an issue as much as say a white woman.
My theory is that Republicans are trying to force WW to have more babies so they aren't replaced. Whites have more dwindling birth rates now.
Hispanics, due to their religiosity and culture, generally don't have abortions. Many are Catholic and don't even use contraception. They're on track to be the largest minority group in the next few decades.
Asian and Indian groups aren't having babies like that. They're having lower birth rates and statistics show that they only account for less than 6% of abortions.
Blacks have high birth rates also but there's enough BW that have abortions that are making our numbers to be more controlled by the powers that be so they're not as worried about us.
Based on empirical evidence and viewing different communities it just seems that post Rowe V Wade being overturned that this issue has just mattered MORE to WW. Recall more white women voted for Trump in 2020. Abortion rights are energizing the female base to vote, which is why we see them leaning so much into it in the DNC.
At least in some Black communities we just absorb the family in many instances. I've had a few cousins have kids out of wedlock and we'd just take care of them. Abortion wasn't something that came up in conversation whether due to religious upbringing or cultural norms. Still - because Blacks have historically fought for social justice we see more pro choice.
Anyways just some random thoughts and was curious if I'm onto something here. I don't really see minority women leaning into abortion rights as an issue as much as say a white woman.