Do White South Africans Deserve To Be Kicked Off Their Farm Land?


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Jun 5, 2018
Whether they "deserve" it or not is a never ending conversation because it is one based on morality and philosophy, two very subjective aspects of discussion.

Does someone inherit his father's sins? Tricky question. We could brush it off by saying father and son are two different entities but even science doesn't fully concurr as they share important quantities of the same genes. A son is literally half a copy of his father genetic-wise.

Does it justify considering their experience as the same? When a father's legacy goes to his son we do not question it as he bears the name of that man and that makes it his heir. Why would it be different with negative aspects of inheritance?

I believe we would think that global morality would see it as cruel because we tend to think everybody deserves a chance at life, and collecting our ancestors' burden could make it impossible to suffer.

I'd advise we look at how the father's deeds affect the life of his son. If the father's sin continues to live on through the son's life, I think the call can be made that it has to be corrected by the son himself or anybody that can. If the father's sin died with him, then there is nothing to be passed on.

In this particular case, the problem is that the sin of the Boers is still present to this day and is even maintained by the actual Boers and their descendants. Nothing, since Mandela came in power, has been made by these farmers to make the situation more equal, no step has been taken to share the disproportionate amounts of lands they possess with the rest of the country. And when action is taken to fix the situation, it is met with agression from those who profit the most of the situation. :francis: In my personal book that make them all the more deserving of what's happening.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what people deserve or not. What matters is what's happening.

And it seems to be happening :mjlit:

Aug 17, 2013
my only fear is that the land will not end up in competent hands, but rather in the hands of buddies and family members of the rich/well connected.
south africa better not fukk this up, cause they will have to be the blueprint that other african countries will follow.
i know namibia is just waiting and looking and hoping this is successful, then we up next.
gotta get this right.
as far as the question - fukk yeah. get of our land. african governments were patient and tried to buy the land back, so they made the prices unreasonably high.
well, they played themselves. wasn't your land to begin with!!
:camby:fukk off!!


Jul 10, 2014
BA DOS Af pr
Whether they "deserve" it or not is a never ending conversation because it is one based on morality and philosophy, two very subjective aspects of discussion.

Does someone inherit his father's sins? Tricky question. We could brush it off by saying father and son are two different entities but even science doesn't fully concurr as they share important quantities of the same genes. A son is literally half a copy of his father genetic-wise.

Does it justify considering their experience as the same? When a father's legacy goes to his son we do not question it as he bears the name of that man and that makes it his heir. Why would it be different with negative aspects of inheritance?

I believe we would think that global morality would see it as cruel because we tend to think everybody deserves a chance at life, and collecting our ancestors' burden could make it impossible to suffer.

I'd advise we look at how the father's deeds affect the life of his son. If the father's sin continues to live on through the son's life, I think the call can be made that it has to be corrected by the son himself or anybody that can. If the father's sin died with him, then there is nothing to be passed on.

In this particular case, the problem is that the sin of the Boers is still present to this day and is even maintained by the actual Boers and their descendants. Nothing, since Mandela came in power, has been made by these farmers to make the situation more equal, no step has been taken to share the disproportionate amounts of lands they possess with the rest of the country. And when action is taken to fix the situation, it is met with agression from those who profit the most of the situation. :francis: In my personal book that make them all the more deserving of what's happening.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what people deserve or not. What matters is what's happening.

And it seems to be happening :mjlit:
At first Your analogy lost me, but now I see what was meant..actually great one!:takedat:
And similar to a shared history, it's very reminiscent of many of the issues happening in the US.


Jul 10, 2014
BA DOS Af pr
my only fear is that the land will not end up in competent hands, but rather in the hands of buddies and family members of the rich/well connected.
south africa better not fukk this up
, cause they will have to be the blueprint that other african countries will follow.
i know namibia is just waiting and looking and hoping this is successful, then we up next.
gotta get this right.
as far as the question - fukk yeah. get of our land. african governments were patient and tried to buy the land back, so they made the prices unreasonably high.
well, they played themselves. wasn't your land to begin with!!
:camby:fukk off!!
Exactly. Appears a lot is riding on this thing being seen thru, and successful. The reverberations, good, or bad make us hopeful it is.
:salute:I wish yall the greatest of luck. :blessed:
Best we can really do, really.
Sn: last 1;30-2hrs...soley dos talk
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May 2, 2012
Passport Abuse
I was gonna post this show link when I read the thread title. Great minds. :myman:

Of course. It's not their land. They were always squatters. Time is up tho