Do Europeans have the right to call themselves the indigenous people of Europe?


Jun 4, 2012
But let's blame all white people for the sins of a couple countries, thats usually the jist of black philosophy

Just look at all the previous posts, white people did this, white people did that. Ignoring the fact, that there was a lot more white people that didn't do shyt and even hated England for example for treating EVERYBODY (including other white people) like lesser humans. And of course ignoring the fact that there have been groups within their own races that have been just as bad if not worse. So convenient :rolleyes:

BlackKing :pacspit:

white people were white looooooooooong before they came to the north (Europe). My Slavic people migrated from Persia (around northern iran) when they came to Europe a couple thousand years ago and were known to have blue eyes in that area. All kinds of people lived in close proximity of the cradle of civilization, we weren't all black n then we changed when we moved. Even to this day a lot of Syrians look damn near German with blonde hair n blue eyes and they never left Africa.

:pacspit: @ "hopefully their internal natures go with them"

Yet judging by crime rates anywhere there are black people, judging by how y'all conduct yourselves within your own nations in Africa. Your "internal natures" are soooooooo much better LMFAO

Fukk all y'all delusions :pacspit: Ur all racist as fukk but try to play innocent

:manny: Figures... u can't help it.

but just so you understand what I said.. you should re read my post. I'm just saying it's natural to feel the way some white people feel. I can't say that I wouldn't feel the same way if the people I identify with didn't show up less than 10k years ago and will be gone in less than 10k. In the grand scheme that is a very short-lived recessive gene. As far as geography and nationality is concerned,,,,,, Europeans feeling the way they feel about immigration and culture is simply Ironic- can you deny the Irony of that situation????

and fyi- evil nature doesn't begin or stop with violence and non-violence.. you need a complete understanding of history to properly examine the devilishness of certain groups.... this evilness is color blind.. but has infected the mindset and motivation of Europeans the most.

Name one thing on Earth right now that is bad, that wasn't caused by European colonialism or US foreign policy. White people aren't all individually bad.. I think that u believe that is what people are stating and it's not. Like I said.. who ever is one Earth once white people aren't around, will enjoy the good contributions that whites have made.

I will chill out though.. I know ur 2 sec from typing the words ****** or something.

The group in ur screenname:Gang$tarr lyrics......
Cultivate, multiply, motivate, or else we'll die
maybe some advise for u guys

This world is ours, that's why the demons are leery
It's our inheritance; this is my Robin Hood Theory


sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
You denying white people are devil in nature also proves you either believe in a mystery devil that takes over people or you just straight up reject truth. Where do you believe devil, negative energy or w/e you wanna call it comes from?

like everything else, black people have a nature, and white people have a nature. Man is the mind, if you do what is associated with god then that's what you are. If you do things associated with what the devil would do then that's what you are. There's black devils and there's white people who teach the truth. Regardless of behavior though, black man will always be god and the white man will always be devil by nature. Saying otherwise just causes confusion and will have people believing in spirit gods and devils which does not exist.

Don't know where you stand as far as religion or culture, but if you take Lucifer for example. He was the fallen angel. Who is the fallen man? Different from the original people, recessive scientifically and historically. Regardless of skin color if you see someone displaying devil then you are looking at the white man or as some call him, the colored man, because he has a colored view of reality and again is not natural to this planet.

And with that, I leave you with this video of Azrael, a white person who spoke the truth.

You're racist as fukk, condemning a whole race by the actions of few. I could do the same for you. Fukk you u fakkit. :pacspit:


Jun 4, 2012
Did you say this @Gang$tarr The Coli Slavic Prince... or was this the group u bite the screenname from??

You can't tell me life was meant to be like this
a black man in a world dominated by whiteness
Ever since the declaration of independence
we've been easily brainwashed by just one sentence
It goes: all men are created equal
that's why corrupt governments kill innocent people
With chemical warfare they created crack and AIDS
got the public thinking these were things that black folks made
And every time there's violence shown in the media
usually it's a black thing so where are they leading ya
To a world full of ignorance, hatred, and prejudice
TV and the news for years they have fed you this
foolish notion that blacks are all criminals
violent, low lifes, and then even animals
I'm telling the truth so some suckers are fearing me
but I must do my part to combat the conspiracy
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Jun 4, 2012
Black supremacy is contrary to Islam breh, If you're a regular orthodox Muslim, I don't think you should be saying stuff like "The Brown Man"

Will Humans Eventually All Look Like Brazilians? | Human Race | LiveScience

This article says "recessive traits will drop to low levels"

This is what made me think that.

Saying brown man wasn't saying some pro black shyt.. if I wanted to do that and be "contrary to Islam" ,lol, then I would have said some pro black shyt. But I didn't...

NTM, I don't need you telling me about Islam, trust me.


sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
and fyi- evil nature doesn't begin or stop with violence and non-violence.. you need a complete understanding of history to properly examine the devilishness of certain groups.... this evilness is color blind.. but has infected the mindset and motivation of Europeans the most.

Name one thing on Earth right now that is bad, that wasn't caused by European colonialism or US foreign policy. White people aren't all individually bad.. I think that u believe that is what people are stating and it's not. Like I said.. who ever is one Earth once white people aren't around, will enjoy the good contributions that whites have made.

I will chill out though.. I know ur 2 sec from typing the words ****** or something.

:heh: at your last statement

You're once again generalizing, this is racism. Most white countries never had anything to do with colonization (I'm from one of those) and my country and people were sold by England less than a hundred years ago, were used and murdered by Germans and other "devilish" nations and we never did these things that those "devils" did. IT WAS NOT IN OUR NATURE so this is why i say fukk YOU for lumping us in with "white people" and condemning us all

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation

Will Humans Eventually All Look Like Brazilians? | Human Race | LiveScience

This article says "recessive traits will drop to low levels"

This is what made me think that.

Saying brown man wasn't saying some pro black shyt.. if I wanted to do that and be "contrary to Islam" ,lol, then I would have said some pro black shyt. But I didn't...

NTM, I don't need you telling me about Islam, trust me.

LOL, I think it's obvious to anyone reading this thread what you were getting at, friend :manny:

I remember you once said in a thread that certain people have certain natures... that's just flat out unadulterated racism. White people are our brothers friend.


Jun 4, 2012
LOL, I think it's obvious to anyone reading this thread what you were getting at, friend :manny:

I remember you once said in a thread that certain people have certain natures... that's just flat out unadulterated racism. White people are our brothers friend.
lol, What I'm 'getting at' is exactly what I said. I'm generalizing about the other shyt. I didn't create the topic or the thread.. and as far as the people we are discussing (the people who feel like they need to protect their white lands and people) I feel the generalizations are correct. The exact definition of racism is controversial so I'm not exactly sure what u mean.. but pointing out factual flaws of groups isn't racist, imo, as long as ur not discriminating or proclaiming superiority.

I'm Muslim, I'm not above this shyt... There are white people who I'm related to by blood.. technically most of my family is white, there are white people I'm cool w at work, and their are white Muslims. These aren't the individuals I'm speaking of.. and either way I'm applying generalizations to the nature of entire groups... but not saying I hate people or that I want to kill people or that I want to deny people because I don't like their race.

But you still haven't explain how me reporting that some white scientist agree that the world will be brown in the future... is racist????

peace. please note... most of what is out there about you in TLR is not Islamic. Peace.


Jun 4, 2012
:heh: at your last statement

You're once again generalizing, this is racism. Most white countries never had anything to do with colonization (I'm from one of those) and my country and people were sold by England less than a hundred years ago, were used and murdered by Germans and other "devilish" nations and we never did these things that those "devils" did. IT WAS NOT IN OUR NATURE so this is why i say fukk YOU for lumping us in with "white people" and condemning us all

Those devilish nations are devilish. We agree. Those are also the places that are hyped up about immigration and keeping the white culture. Those are the people I'm speaking of. And yeah, I'm generalizing. I'm not saying every single thing I stated u have to agree with..... but don't confused generalizations with racism, A Slavic prince can be a friend too.


All Star
Aug 8, 2012
You're racist as fukk, condemning a whole race by the actions of few. I could do the same for you. Fukk you u fakkit. :pacspit:

If you don't like what I'm saying what are you doing using gangstarr as a username? I give you a white man bearing witness he's the devil and you still deny it.

I'm not pro black or anti white. The truth may sound racist but it is what it is... I'm not here to convince you or anyone else. You either accept or reject it and you've made your mind long before I said anything.



Jun 4, 2012
Why would you feel "the same way" because of that?
I would feel uncomfortable with the idea.

I wouldn't become protectionist about it like they are... because it wouldn't be anyone's fault, it's just nature.

I was just being honest... I said "I can't say", because i really don't know.

Dr. Sebi Jr.

Trust Me
Mar 3, 2013
Not Technically a "Doctor"
Do white people own the moon since there have only been white people there?

The man in the moon was BLACK. Do not DENY that your TIME is up, DEVIL. Your recess genes WILL be de-melaninanated when mother WHEEL pilot the Honorable Minister Martin Luther Farrakhan Ph. D, co-pilot Dr. Tariq Nasheed Ph. D, and navigator Dr. Umar Johnson Ph. D turn on the PINEAL GLAND ray and wipe YOUR wicked culture OFF our PLANET. I am NOT saying YOU are inferior. I am JUST saying the TRUTH is that YOU are cave dwelling SAVAGES who ALL deserve to DIE.

You cannot believe a WORD the WHITE man says. Here, have a YOUTUBE video of a WHITE man who supports ME. Knowledge is POWER.
May 4, 2012
this is the result of white people fukking over practically everybody else on an epic scale. non-white people learn how white people have operated and seek to do the same for our own benefit, with mixed results.

that's how we end up with ideologies that state everything important in history was done by black people, or that white people are inherently demonic. white people said stuff like this years ago for their own benefit, now POCs are playing the same game.

on the topic of the thread...
the whole concern over protecting white demographics is understandable, but irrational since there is no realistic possibility of white europeans going extinct. this seems more like the right to protect white sensibilities so they dont have to endure the presence of non-whites in significant numbers. there are some realistic concerns about what effects this will have on european culture and economics, but while those concerns are practical, they are not really ethical, in my opinion since this is only happening because of european colonialism that has been occurring for half a millenium, and has been producing wealth for every-day europeans and european decents to this very day. you cant reall enjoy the spoils of empire, and be innocent at the same time.

so i guess i would say that, white existence is not in jeopardy, but european culture is likely being changed. however, since this is the blowback from massively changing, and in some cases even wiping out other people's cultures and population sizes, this concerned european movement is not very sympathetic, at least not in the same way someone would be concerned about saving tribal amazonians from encroachment by a logging company, or making sure that navajo indians keep their language alive.

This is the best rebuttal i can find to your argument NZA.

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May 4, 2012
By the way, i know Douglas Murray is a British Neocon, and i don't agree with their political platform at all, but i do think this is a decent rebuttal to the argument.