But let's blame all white people for the sins of a couple countries, thats usually the jist of black philosophy
Just look at all the previous posts, white people did this, white people did that. Ignoring the fact, that there was a lot more white people that didn't do shyt and even hated England for example for treating EVERYBODY (including other white people) like lesser humans. And of course ignoring the fact that there have been groups within their own races that have been just as bad if not worse. So convenient
white people were white looooooooooong before they came to the north (Europe). My Slavic people migrated from Persia (around northern iran) when they came to Europe a couple thousand years ago and were known to have blue eyes in that area. All kinds of people lived in close proximity of the cradle of civilization, we weren't all black n then we changed when we moved. Even to this day a lot of Syrians look damn near German with blonde hair n blue eyes and they never left Africa.
@ "hopefully their internal natures go with them"
Yet judging by crime rates anywhere there are black people, judging by how y'all conduct yourselves within your own nations in Africa. Your "internal natures" are soooooooo much better LMFAO
Fukk all y'all delusionsUr all racist as fukk but try to play innocent

but just so you understand what I said.. you should re read my post. I'm just saying it's natural to feel the way some white people feel. I can't say that I wouldn't feel the same way if the people I identify with didn't show up less than 10k years ago and will be gone in less than 10k. In the grand scheme that is a very short-lived recessive gene. As far as geography and nationality is concerned,,,,,, Europeans feeling the way they feel about immigration and culture is simply Ironic- can you deny the Irony of that situation????
and fyi- evil nature doesn't begin or stop with violence and non-violence.. you need a complete understanding of history to properly examine the devilishness of certain groups.... this evilness is color blind.. but has infected the mindset and motivation of Europeans the most.
Name one thing on Earth right now that is bad, that wasn't caused by European colonialism or US foreign policy. White people aren't all individually bad.. I think that u believe that is what people are stating and it's not. Like I said.. who ever is one Earth once white people aren't around, will enjoy the good contributions that whites have made.
I will chill out though.. I know ur 2 sec from typing the words ****** or something.
The group in ur screenname:Gang$tarr lyrics......
maybe some advise for u guysCultivate, multiply, motivate, or else we'll die
:ummmm:This world is ours, that's why the demons are leery
It's our inheritance; this is my Robin Hood Theory