yes why is it that black people commit crime nowadays and usually on their own people???? The black man is god and I take responsibility for everything that happens, but at the same time I'm not going to not call out what white people are doing. You denying white people are devil in nature also proves you either believe in a mystery devil that takes over people or you just straight up reject truth. Where do you believe devil, negative energy or w/e you wanna call it comes from?
I'm not saying blacks can do nothing wrong and I'm also not saying whites can't do good, BUT like everything else, black people have a nature, and white people have a nature. Man is the mind, if you do what is associated with god then that's what you are. If you do things associated with what the devil would do then that's what you are. There's black devils and there's white people who teach the truth. Regardless of behavior though, black man will always be god and the white man will always be devil by nature. Saying otherwise just causes confusion and will have people believing in spirit gods and devils which does not exist.
Don't know where you stand as far as religion or culture, but if you take Lucifer for example. He was the fallen angel. Who is the fallen man? Different from the original people, recessive scientifically and historically. Regardless of skin color if you see someone displaying devil then you are looking at the white man or as some call him, the colored man, because he has a colored view of reality and again is not natural to this planet.
And with that, I leave you with this video of Azrael, a white person who spoke the truth. He knew his origin. peace!
Azreal, a 5% Story (2006) - YouTube