My question is how often did screw or his label get hit with cease and desist?
That shxt had to be piling up if he was selling tapes at that volume..
Rapalot records /virgin(noo trybe)
N jive records
Jive- pimp c gave the instrumentals to Rydin dirty and the Rydin dirty tape was made all freestyles over those beats grace bun n pimp wreckin
Jive got a hold it screw get a letter ./ they redid the tape the tape that u can buy now
Pimp c was pissed so if u look at the Rydin dirty cover they at screw house on the cover
Inside the cover they are in the wood room
Botany boys n 3-2 got full publishing on the album
Screw got paid too........................................
listenin to a tape that my potna made growin up in the hood bein mixed with face- brad jordan
J didn’t like it because he wasn’t get paid n alot of tapes at the time had rapalot artist
the label sent a cease n desist letter...
screw stop fukkin with anything rapalot...n any thing 3-2 was on was always flow tapes
j a couple yrs ago tried to throw 3-2 under the bus on drink champs...
..sayin 3-2 was tryin 2 extort screw ...
which was a bold face lie... mike d was at the meeting... n said they never talked about 3-2 or anything...jus wanted him to get a song from the suc for his compilation..n 3 was long gone from rapalot
truth was he wanted a cut...
99 him n screw worked it out at that meeting for the...realest nikkas down south
fast forward.. swishahouse blows up... gets a deal...asylum warner bros..
why j when he sign... get a competition clause.... in his contract.. where anybody from the city thats on asylum gotta pay him 10-20 percent off every sale..
screw die...
he bring dj d in to remix alot of the albums
he could have had screw as a in house dj a long time ago....