Disney+, Hulu, ESPN+ bundle to start out at $12.99 in November

Optimus Prime

May 2, 2012
NC A&T SU, Hornets, Panthers, North Carolina
people going to get fooled by that ESPN+ because they don't know it doesn't include the NBA and/or NFL


Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
Netflix is going to be losing content but it will be a slow process. A lot of the shows that people watch on Netflix that aren't original content will still be on Netflix through the next 2-3 years and meanwhile Netflix is still spending billions on original content.

When you have a subscriber base of 140 million, you don't go away overnight. Netflix would still have to fukk up pretty regularly to see a dent in their base.

Thing is, Netflix doesn't have to fukk up for them to start hurting. They just can't sustain themselves on their original content. Not at the price point they are currently offering after they have continually raised prices to justify the billions they have dumped into spending.

They need to keep being aggressive, which carries more risk, but imo is the only way they can position themselves well with the increased competition they are about to face from WB, Disney, Apple, and Amazon. All of them are better primed to take chunks of the market share that Netflix has been able to hoarde by themselves for so long.

The deals they have with other networks and studios are going to expire in the next 2-3 years. Joe Smoe isn't going to continue paying $15 bucks a month on Netflix Originals, unless they really get some year to year hits that become part of the cultural Zeitgeist.

They have pretty much put their eggs into the Shonda Rimes/Ryan Murphy basket. I think they'll also end up winning the Benioff and Weiss bidding war (and probably overspend in the process). But I'm still not sure that is going to be enough for them to continue to lead the streaming market during the mid 2020's. Not when they are already not hitting their subscriber projections, months before Disney launches.

They might have to try to buy Viacom or CBS.
Last edited:
May 1, 2012
Thing is, Netflix doesn't have to fukk up for them to start hurting. They just can't sustain themselves on their original content. Not at the price point they are currently offering after they have continually raised prices to justify the billions they have dumped into spending.

They need to keep being aggressive, which carries more risk, but imo is the only way they can position themselves well with the increased competition they are about to face from WB, Disney, Apple, and Amazon. All of them are better primed to take chunks of the market share that Netflix has been able to hoarde by themselves for so long.

The deals they have with other networks and studios are going to expire in the next 2-3 years. Joe Smoe isn't going to continue paying $15 bucks a month on Netflix Originals, unless they really get some year to year hits that become part of the cultural Zeitgeist.

They have pretty much put their eggs into the Shonda Rimes/Ryan Murphy basket. I think they'll also end up winning the Benioff and Weiss bidding war (and probably overspend in the process). But I'm still not sure that is going to be enough for them to continue to lead the streaming market during the mid 2020's. Not when they are already not hitting their subscriber projections, months before Disney launches.

They might have to try to buy Viacom or CBS.

You and I are on the same page except one thing... Netflix can spend as much as they do because they are worth way more than even something as big as the CBS corporation. The little hit that their stock price took a couple weeks back was bigger than the entirety of CBS.

If they start not hitting their projections more and more than can still spend billions but they'll have to be more mindful of which projects are green lit and which aren't.

I don't think this is going to be a quick war. Netflix has such a huge lead over everyone else they will survive and possibly thrive for years.