No it really wouldn't be....Nolan is notorious for wanting certain things to be "grounded in reality". People involved with Batman Begins said they had to fight him to include grappling hooks in the film because he thought they were bullshyt.
Nolan is a great director but that doesn't mean he could or should direct everything. I haven't seen anything that would lead me to believe he could handle a Sci-Fi fantasy epic.
Guys like Peter Jackson and Matthew Vaughn would be better suited for something like Star Wars.
Hell Jon Faveru would be better suited to direct Star Wars than Nolan.
Exactly. Star Wars is about escapism. Even a film like Empire, while it has it's darker moments, is all about the spectacle and fun of an epic space soap opera. Nolan is too caught up in being dark and brooding to make an out and out entertaining blockbuster.
I swear sometimes it's like Nolan is the only director these dudes have ever heard.
Remaking Singin' In the Rain? Get NOLAN DA GAWD
Police Academy 14? NOLAN DA GAWD PERFECT 4 DAT shyt
Yung Berg's Biopic? NOLAN DA GAWD OR WE RIOT