I've reduced consuming everything that
they have been telling us to eat and drink and I haven't felt better
They told me dairy is healthy for my body

They told me alcohol is an acceptable adult choice of drug, but mind-opening drugs that my own brain produces are illegal

They told me cigarettes are better for me than marijuana

( Or at least their laws imply it)
They told me the sun was bad for me and that i needed sunscreen
They gave me that bullshyt food pyramid and said to follow it if i wanted to be healthy

?.. ya ok
Moral of the story:
THEY dont care about us.They study us to see what makes us tick; how they can control us, use our gifts, or put us down if necessary. Whether we live or die depends on what we are needed for.
The sooner more of us realize this, the sooner we start raising our kids to be the ones to monitor and improve our health. You can't rely on the people at war with YOU, to also take care of YOUR people (unless theres something in it for them). They'll play their mind games, and try to trick you into believing they care, but they dont
These people want us dead, sick, and dependent on them until they have no more use for us. These guidelines are for
them. These fundraisers are for
Despite what we've been lead to believe, we ARE different under the skin. They used to say that as a means of putting us down, but Its actually true