At least long ago kids would start contributing early (eg work the farm), pulling their weight, helping the family, taking care of the elders, etc.
Nowadays, they're an incredible drain of energy and resources... for decades. If you're lucky they'll become self reliant, and may look out for you in old age. For others, they're a life long head/heart ache for which death is the only reprieve.
I don't blame those that forego children. Odds aren't really stacked in your favor if personal freedom and happiness is your primary goal.
With that said, and as negative as my stance is, it took a woman with the completely opposite view to get me to compromise. Can't say it wasn't worth it.
Nowadays, they're an incredible drain of energy and resources... for decades. If you're lucky they'll become self reliant, and may look out for you in old age. For others, they're a life long head/heart ache for which death is the only reprieve.
I don't blame those that forego children. Odds aren't really stacked in your favor if personal freedom and happiness is your primary goal.
With that said, and as negative as my stance is, it took a woman with the completely opposite view to get me to compromise. Can't say it wasn't worth it.