intilectual recipricol
Killin fake hip hop

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Very interesting.
Entrepreneurial associations and rotating credit systems. We desperately need capital in the black community. It seems like immigrants always manage to find the money and resources to start businesses. And Half of them can't even speak english well.
A lot of the only capital available to us comes from the government through jobs and welfare or drug money. We need a serious Black Business Association that will also act as a lender, it can pool savings from members and lend it out to newer unestablished members.
Micro-financing may or may not work. A lot of it has to do with responsibility. It is possible that people will use the money for other things.
This is due to two things I'll use Indians and Asians as the example of this
1. The people in there community reinvest in there business , they do as much shopping as possible in there own community stores and no where else . There clothes , there food , there liquor , there entertainment they get it all inside there own communities and by communities i just don't mean there own block i mean they will drive out there wait to there Asian or Indian towns and spend $$$. That's real economic stimulation
2. There is a lot of "hand me down" businesses in those communities ( not hand me down poverty that happens in black and Hispanic communities) What i mean by this is the following
Generation 1: Comes to america breaks there back working and living as frugal as possible , emphasis educations as much as possible to there children , but has a medium level to low level of education themselves, continues working up to 3 jobs, saves X amount of money, helps family when they come live with them, buys property and opens up FAMILY RUN small business ABC ( Can be anything from a corner store to a dentist office). They now retire go back to homeland , leaves ABC to children and family.
Generation 2 : The children + family members of Gen 1. They children who have now received a higher education because of there parents push ( also has small to no debts ) expands the business even more and makes it more profitable than there parents could , they are now able to give the family members who were making very little money to start off with more money, so now they too can start to get there children educated. The children of Gen 1 , now adults instill the importance of business management to children , buy more property, retire at a early age leave ABC to there children.
Generation 3: Children of Gen 2, Grand Children of Gen 1. Come into the family business highly educated with No debt and very nice saving fund. There only job at this point is to bring as many family members into the family business as possible so they too can prospers at this point they are very Americanized and highly respected within there community The business is now run by almost all family members, the children of GEN 3 who are born with large savings ( for college) can now chose to integrate themselves into the family business OR chose to open there own business (all while continuing the cycle) OR can chose another career path. The ABC family business is still in the family and everyone prospers.
So you see its not just about accumulation of wealth and education its about doing those things AND helping others to do it to, not right away but slowly over time.
stopped listening when the man said "some blacks owe their middle class status to the government"
and this is the premise of his entire argument. and this is why its FLAWED at the core, even though he does touch on a few key points i can agree with. but you have to start from a place of TRUTH first.
whats the truth?
the TRUTH is if black slaves were brought over hear voluntarily to work(on a work visa of some sort back in the day). and we africans CHOSE to pick cotton, etc. and we were paid a decent wage to do so. we then would be building up our cash to purchase land of our own some day. just like mr and mrs white man.
the only reason the GOVVY gives blacks anything, is because WHITE supremacy treated us less then the other american citizens.
its not a gift to be a human being. well its not a gift from man. its a gift from GOD. you dont have the RIGHT to give said gift and take it away as you please.
white supremacy took said gift away, so they can make boat loads of cash with cheap/darn near free labor.
which is how and why a lot of white folks in america has had a head start on black folks in america.
again the Govvy has to in act affirmative action. because white's used racism to keep the black man down in the first place.
treat us fairly. and no need for excess govvy help.
you cant throw me in the hole, then say "you wanna get out? here's my hand" and act as if you did me a favor. you threw me in there to begin with.