How is a downtrodden minority with no power constantly on the minds of whites???
Hes right about white people needing to stay the fukk away from us..They're weird and dangerous.
Whenever white people look bad in the news, they need to shift that focus elsewhere by creating a distraction or having someone convenient to blame.
White America looks like a fascist and violence engulfed society to the world right now, so he's trying to shift attention off the poor reputation of American cacs right now.
The answer to your question is fear. The fear is competition. They fear competing against Black people for stuff.
Think about the USA for a second. The government in States both the North and in the South sanctioned slavery. Slavery put Black people in a second class status and it put White people in the artificial position of first class status. When slavery ended State sanctioned artificial Jim Crow in the North and South. Once again Black people were forced into second class status and White people were forced into artificial first class status, but the whole time Black people were chipping away at that artificial status and demonstrating through just plain old hustle, intelligence and ingenuity that if artificial constraints were taken off of them then they would strive. Black people have only had something that looks like a full set of rights in this Country for the last 40 years, but that has been enough time to catch the average cracka and all that was done was the government removed some of the vestiges of those artificial constraints that was put in place to keep their foot on the necks of Black Americans.
Some now those White people want those vestiges put back in place and they are electing government officials like Trump and DeSantis to put those restraints back on Black people because White people fear Black people competition. It happened in the military first, then in sports first, then entertainment now it is happening in medicine, business and academia. And it is not helping that Black people still maintain separate institutions like HBCUs which is a reminder of what was.