Different types of street dudes...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Fam it's your life. I moved 40 minutes from where I grew up and it feels like another planet. You sound like you got your ear to what's going on still; and If that intel is through Facebook sheesh. You're open on here; I'm not. I know for sure if I ran into ANYONE there would be nothing but hate and negative consequences. You did a bid right? Did you announce to everyone you were going home and gonna be a changed man prior to your release?
You claim you're gone but still in touch via whatever means. What good can possibly come of that? Crabs in a bucket breh that's just my take on it. The same cats I did my thing with would stab me in the back in a HEARTBEAT. I have ZERO interest or reason to keep in touch with any of them. If I'm a sellout or whatever so be it. You got people you provide for too cmon breh. Like I said its your life; but if you're removed from that life then you should remove yourself 100% because I promise you nothing good will come from dealing with that part of your past when you have EVOLVED. Find people who can relate to you RIGHT NOW or just ride DOLO unrelateable.

I mean that pretty much is what I'm on g, besides a handful of Facebook FaceTimes a year...

We ain't linking or nothing like that...

I'm open on here because I've tried to explain that this site provides me the outlet to be open that I need. I don't have that release anywhere else; in my professional life hardly anyone knows me, meaning a handful of people have some knowledge but nah I don't announce myself publicly, people know me completely differently...

The summer before my release I was in a transition class with about 15 other guys who were being released within 6 months, and among other things I remember telling dudes I'd be back. So nah, I didn't tell dudes I was a changed man....

I was 20 when I got out and I was certain that within 2-3 years I'd have at least one child, and either be sent back upstate on a L or close to it, or be killed, and I was comfortable with that fate. 20 year old me saw my life in the free world, or my life period, ending by the time I was 22-23 and I'd accepted it...

I'm comfortable talking about this stuff because it's my journey and I'm no longer around it. I'm no longer comfortable living it because if I was, I'd be doing so. But I talk about it as a release/therapy session type shyt...

I'm pretty much cut off from it, trust me bruh my ears ain't to the streets šŸ¤£. I don't know anybody besides a handful of dudes I used to associate with...
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Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
This thread reminded me of a topic I was recently discussing too, basically the public perception of dudes with verified bodies as straight up g's...

I've known plenty of cats with bodies, hundreds if not more, between my 13+ years outside and doing time. Known way more dudes with bodies on em than I can even try to recall, in various states...

This convo cane up at work because we just had a guy who worked with us for about two weeks and quit. He's in his mid-30s, had never worked in the restaurant industry before, so it was a major adjustment, he told all the work he'd ever done was in warehousing or moving...

He also just got off parole last year, after doing 4Ā½ years in Virginia for an attempt. He's originally from here in NC, so he came back home; the rumor mill at work started around the fact that we allegedly had "a murderer" working for us...

He quit a few weeks back and of course is still a topic of discussion, he and I spoke a few times as guys who were familiar with both VA and NC streets abd criminal justice system. So this cat is a source of this thought exercise too...

Like I said, I've forgotten way more dudes than I can actually remember, but I can tell you certainly that every guy with bodies on em ain't cut like that. Here are a few "pussies with bodies" that I can conjure up off the top of my head:

ā€¢knew a Latino cat who got locked up at 16 for killing one person and attempting another. It was a gang hit, got a lot of publicity...

In jail this dude was absolute food. Ducking fades, buying protection, cats running thru his cell. Never even heard of him accepting a fade, witnessed with my own eyes at least twice him ducking fades...

He did 10Ā½ years and got out, no clue where he is now. Like I said when the shyt happened it got a ton of publicity, he had a name coming into jail because of it, but in jail and certainly upstate you can't live off your charge or street rep. The average citizen who would know he killed someone and damn near clipped another would be horrified with all kinds of opinions about this guy. He wasn't like that...

ā€¢knew a guy who had a reputation for getting money, nothing major but he was eating. But he was a victim, dude was robbed many times. He was a humble and likeable guy, tried to avoid violence and really aside from him being robbed often, he didn't have issues with people. Most cats thought he was a cool dude...

One guy had robbed him repeatedly, at least three times. Ultimately homeboy started gripping up to protect himself and when fam tried to rob him again, he killed him at a park...

He went and did 5Ā½ on a manslaughter, and this particular guy, good for him for finally standing up for himself. Alota guys get robbed if you're really dealing, bit you're not known as an easy lick to the extent he was if you fit the perception of how normal people think, "damn son has a body"...

ā€¢knew a guy in jail who killed the white john he was letting top him off for money on the outside. The dude didn't consider himself guy either, the story goes is an older white dude approached him about sucking him off for money, he started letting him do it for a period of time...

I guess it went left when white guy asked if he could fukk him in the ass, and homeboy allegedly drew the line at that shyt. A fight started, and he stabbed the dude like 7 times in the head...

Another example of a guy with a body who was not some stone cold killer or gangster...

ā€¢knew a brother who worked most of his life, and only sold small quantities of weed on the side (smoke sacks, he wasn't a weight man, he sold a little weed for pocket change). He was infatuated with guns because he was a country boy, would go out shooting with his homeboys, but was not a g. He didn't even really try to portray as if he was until the end...

Got desperate, had some things go wrong and came up with a plan to rob a coke dealer he knew with his homeboy. They robbed him and ended up killing him, he was identified as the trigger man, and he's doing Life Without for it ..

Last I heard he was a born again Christian upstate and wasn't with any if the prison activities. I knew him outside, he was not living like that, but he's another guy I know of with a verified kill on him who ain't that kinda guy...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I could keep going, but the point I want to underscore is that there are so many circumstances that can lead to murder, and so many different types of personalities who wind up in these scenarios...

I will say that anyone I can think of who has multiple bodies on them tend to be dudes who lived by that gun. Now, all those dudes weren't true-to-soil tough guys in situations where they couldn't arm themselves---->some were, some weren't...

Bit the guys I've known who had multiple kills on em were actual shooters, they lived by that, rare exception to this rule...

As I've said, I've shot several different people and no one died, and it wasn't for lack of effort. The mentality I once had would fall in line with a killer's mindset, though no one lost their life from me. There are plenty of guys like that...

There are guys who weren't actually trying to kill someone and it happened anyway, and guys who have these bodies who were not actually living by the gun like that, again so many different circumstances that lead to these things...

The public views these things differently from people in the field in general, because people in the field are used to meeting and dealing with people who have killed someone, bit that takes me to my final point...

Alot of shyt gets caught up in urban legend and exaggerated in street mythology. Yes, alot of people you would or wouldn't suspect have killed someone, but that is like 1% of the total population, and even outside, most dudes in the streets haven't killed anyone. There's this perception that exists that everyone outside who you see with a gun has knocked something down and it isn't even close to being true...

There are specific people and personalities who move that way, even within that lifestyle...

And for guys with those reputations, those reputations are earned and can still take on mythology. Maybe it was different in the wild west days of the 70s thru 90s, but I grew up in the 00s and 10s---->there aren't many people running around with multiple (2+) bodies, much less 7 or 10 like how guys like Von was rumored. Those dudes don't live long, which is an indicator there is truth to Von's story, or they don't last long outside otherwise, they get put upstate early and long...

You'll know a guy who has shot people or killed someone(s) and that rep will take on a life of its own, where the number of people he's shot or killed is exaggerated...

It's actually the sane thing with money outside too, I do think it's probably slightly more open post-pandemic, in regards to people making illegitimate money, but this ain't the 80s. Actual millionaires out the streets are very rare, the illusion is of course if you get guys who can show you bills by the yard or have very expensive material possessions, it creates a certain image...

There are more "hundred-thousandaires" of course, but they are even on an above average level, the AVERAGE dude outside doesn't have $100k plus...

Other things factor into the wealth illusion outside too of course, like dudes will be heavily indebted but you won't know it because they can flex some cash and jewelry, dudes will have material possessions and have ownership in nothing, dudes will own businesses but are in the red or barely turning a profit, etc...

I sold drugs for a long time, never made it to $100, but did well for myself and interacted with a ton of different personalities. I shot people and there are people who would consider me a shooter, others who wouldn't because that isn't how they knew me, at the time they knew me...

There are so many different types of street dudes...


Dec 16, 2015
Decent read. Iā€™ve gone through similar in the last 2 years transitioning.
My problem is Iā€™m ā€œoutā€ but still tethered because shyt be happening.

You got deaded a lot I ainā€™t gon lie. I been deaded before aswell thatā€™s street life, u always gonna have a nikka dodging ur calls.

There was a point I THOUGHT a nikka had deaded me and took it there.

Sun pulled up we outside ā€œyo I got a up, some Spanish nikkas from xyz but no gunā€œ he was about to get them for bread AND work he said heā€™ll give us the breesh and he trap the work. I organized a strap for him and off he went. He comes back 2 days later like yo they knew what time it was we wasnā€™t taking no wins I got the gun took off me.. I wont glamorize what happened but basically he got his face cut cuz nikkas assumed he was lying. He walks with that scar today.

Now 3 years later Im getting money with a new nikka and one day we smoking and reminiscing on street shyt and he like ā€œyeah me and my sun [ nikka that fronted] got booked one time trying to rob some Spanish nikkasā€ Iā€™m like whatttttttttttttttt..Immediately feeling bad cuz I was wholly convinced he played me. He described it to me the exact same way the other nikka did. Thats one of the things I always felt bad about because homie was almost crying telling nikkas he didnā€™t do nothin and it wasnā€™t his fault.

shyt like that
random question since I know you from NYC and knew about g-unit from living in 40 houses, you know anything about 50's top goon Monsta?


Dec 16, 2015
Most of the dudes that I know that really touched paper came up off of weed and scamming (tax scams and cracking cards). They also werenā€™t about trigger play at all. The dudes that sold the hard drugs always seemed to always be dusty to me. If they did come up, it was never for long and they would end up crashing out over some dumb shyt.
I honestly see this a lot too, probably low risk/high reward and relatively easy for the average joe schmo


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
These 21 Savage threads reminded me of this. Here's a question, when guys hear that other dudes are factors outside, or are shooters, or are official, or hitters or whatever terminology you wanna use, how many shootings or killings do they think these guys are involved in?

I know no one thinks offhand "damn that must be #10 for him", but the way some people talk it's clear that allt of you guys think these nikkas are out here chopping shyt up day after day, year after year. It's not like that at all...


Mar 11, 2022
These 21 Savage threads reminded me of this. Here's a question, when guys hear that other dudes are factors outside, or are shooters, or are official, or hitters or whatever terminology you wanna use, how many shootings or killings do they think these guys are involved in?

I know no one thinks offhand "damn that must be #10 for him", but the way some people talk it's clear that allt of you guys think these nikkas are out here chopping shyt up day after day, year after year. It's not like that at all...
How is it


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
How is it

Even guys who have reputations as killers aren't out shooting and killing people every day. Or every week. There are characteristics of normalcy in these dudes' lives, whereas when people talk about killers/shooters they speak from the perception that these dudes are out here killing shyt with regularity...

The perception is just different from reality...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Suge Knight thread in The Booth made me realize there are guys that like to be in front of the camera, taking pictures and all that...

And there's guys who don't or didn't...

šŸ’Æ and the cameras and pics don't matter now either...

I know this is hard to fathom for people who were conditioned by the "post everything" era, but there are people who are or were never into flicking it up. Those are more of the loner types. I know guys, I'm thinking of one right now I knew who was a cold-blooded killer (he was murdered 4 or 5 years ago), he had pics online because he had a FB, there are pics of him and his sisters and at least one with him and another guy. But locally you not gonna find more than that on dude, he was not always in somebody camera...

I know another guy same way, he died a few years back from overdose, same thing. He was a shooter, he has even fewer pics around than the first guy I named...

shyt the more I type the more I can think of guys šŸ¤£...

Putting it in first person, I was a road runner so I was only rarely at hood days or events and when I was there I wasn't into flicking it up. I'm sure there's a random hood pic of me somewhere but it would be literally like one or two and it isn't notable...

I think also, the guys I grew up admiring, were more on the, brazen but stay low types, and that's the mold I grew into. I wanted to be known but didn't care to be seen...

I'm agreeing with you, the absence of having hood pics doesn't really hold much weight. What the streets/background/reputation say about you does, I've seen mad hood flicks with nikkas who simply were not factors in they set šŸ¤£ but they were in the flick and at every function šŸ¤£...

100%, I know a guy now who was a pretty successful dealer (we not talking some Supreme McGriff shyt; successful in the practical sense that he made well enough money and was well known as a notable d-boy)...

I don't actually know if he still dealing, but he is still alive and he has a FB of him, his wife, his kids, and a handful of regular pics with cats at like a pool hall or some shyt. But I ain't never seen in him in no hood pic. And he is very well known locally, just in how he came up in the streets and who his family was...

Guy I dropped years ago, he's definitely still alive, still active, he's currently around 40 or 41, he'd be 5 or 6 years older than me. Bout 3 years ago I was told he's still around. I shot him, few years after that my homeboy shot him, few years after that he killed someone and beat the case. And he been well known, successful dealer for YEARS....

Ain't seen a picture of this nikka ever other than a mug shot šŸ˜‚ and again this ain't some nobody, there's probably pics of him somewhere but it wouldn't be nothing major...

And again I've seen mad hood day pics with plenty dudes who weren't hitters in any real sense. They weren't really getting money, they weren't knocking shyt down. But they at every function...

It goes both ways I guess, because we know plenty of official dudes do be in that spotlight and you can find images of them (thinking of a particular guy now who is a local legend, currently doing like 30 years since 2016). This guy is a for real street legend and I can think of multiple shots I've seen him in...

But guys thinking, "never seen him in a hood day flick with his homies", nah that shyt don't really mean nothing...