Different types of street dudes...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Most of the dudes that I know that really touched paper came up off of weed and scamming (tax scams and cracking cards). They also weren’t about trigger play at all. The dudes that sold the hard drugs always seemed to always be dusty to me. If they did come up, it was never for long and they would end up crashing out over some dumb shyt.

This is a fact...

When I was young I would hear old heads say you can't beef and make optimal money because they contrast each other. I didn't really understand it until I was older, because I knew plenty of guys who were involved in violence but made money...

Guy #6, I met him in county in Charlotte in '14, he was the first person I really caught on to that statement of "let nothing fukk up the money"...

Everything isn't a kill-worthy offense or justified for violence, and the dudes who understand this last longer, it's an abject fact. I wish I understood this when I was younger, could made a lot more money...

Homeboy is the only scammer I was ever cool with, and he wasn't about the violence. Said it's easier to cut people off and kill them with success than risk a bunch of other shyt...

Used to be a lot of money in weed, I knew guys who came up on other drugs too, though. Them pills birthed some real hood millionaires (hood millionaire to me is having $100k+ in rotation), I always said I'd quit once I had $100k put up, never made it but I ate off them pills for a stretch...

Knew dudes who got it with cocaine for sure, never knew large heroin traffickers besides my cousin from North Sac, who was plugged in with Baltimore dudes. And fentanyl wasn't as popular when I was around as it is now, so I didn't know anybody really eating off it...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC

In retrospect, do you regret choosing to run the streets? Have a relative who signed up for that life when we were teens. We're both middle age + now, and he just got out.

No, because a)I think all my experiences built me into the man I'm becoming, and b)I don't think I was destined to go the other way...

I came from a severely broken home, bounced around in California until I ended up on this side in Virginia. All kinds of family issues that inspired me to act out the way I did. I do think had I not been arrested when I was, I would have been killed in the streets during that stretch I was imprisoned--->meaning I don't think I would have lived beyond 20. I believe this with conviction, I was that reckless abd getting progressively worse, I wouldn't have made it past 20...

When I got out I had opportunities to go the other way but I wasn't ready. I don't regret it, though. I needed those experiences to make me DESIRE to change...

The one major regret I have over anything, is I left ACCF in Albany NY in October 2012 and ran down south, ducking a 2-4 bid. I came back down here, and took the SAT with a bunch of teenagers in November. I got a really high score, then started applying to colleges just because, and around Jan/Feb '13, was accepted to Howard for the 2013-14 school year...

I didn't go, got caught up in my own shyt again, and I regret not taking that opportunity. Maybe I wasn't ready for it at the time, but I also wonder if I could have been exposed to so many other opportunities and grown up sooner in the process. That's the major one regret I have...
Mar 11, 2022
No, because a)I think all my experiences built me into the man I'm becoming, and b)I don't think I was destined to go the other way...

I came from a severely broken home, bounced around in California until I ended up on this side in Virginia. All kinds of family issues that inspired me to act out the way I did. I do think had I not been arrested when I was, I would have been killed in the streets during that stretch I was imprisoned--->meaning I don't think I would have lived beyond 20. I believe this with conviction, I was that reckless abd getting progressively worse, I wouldn't have made it past 20...

When I got out I had opportunities to go the other way but I wasn't ready. I don't regret it, though. I needed those experiences to make me DESIRE to change...

The one major regret I have over anything, is I left ACCF in Albany NY in October 2012 and ran down south, ducking a 2-4 bid. I came back down here, and took the SAT with a bunch of teenagers in November. I got a really high score, then started applying to colleges just because, and around Jan/Feb '13, was accepted to Howard for the 2013-14 school year...

I didn't go, got caught up in my own shyt again, and I regret not taking that opportunity. Maybe I wasn't ready for it at the time, but I also wonder if I could have been exposed to so many other opportunities and grown up sooner in the process. That's the major one regret I have...
How many years have you done in jail and prison altogether ? Have you ever thought about going to YouTube and telling stories about your time incarcerated? There’s dudes on YouTube making a living doing this and it’s pretty popular among convicts. Dudes like bankypound , jaywilliams let’s live life, etc


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
How many years have you done in jail and prison altogether ? Have you ever thought about going to YouTube and telling stories about your time incarcerated? There’s dudes on YouTube making a living doing this and it’s pretty popular among convicts. Dudes like bankypound , jaywilliams let’s live life, etc

I did 5 altogether, but I did the entirety of that 5, save for 8 days, before my 26th birthday...

I left prison on 9/28/09, if I'd known there was money in creating a YouTube channel I think I could ate as a 20-year old fresh off time. Nowadays, for that "industry" I'm too far removed from the time, and didn't do enough time, and truly I don't have an interest in running those type things anyway...

What I do have interest in, is sharing my personal story of really running the field and banging in them yards and jails like that, and turning my life around WITHOUT another trip to prison, or experiencing near-death, or having a religious rebirth. I think there's value in that story and it'll be documented, but I don't think YouTube is necessarily the medium to share it on. Plus, my redemption arc is years from being complete---->I'm in a spot where I can see it and how attainable my goals are so I'm focused, but I'm still climbing...

When I'm there it'll be really time to go hard with my biography...
Mar 11, 2022
I did 5 altogether, but I did the entirety of that 5, save for 8 days, before my 26th birthday...

I left prison on 9/28/09, if I'd known there was money in creating a YouTube channel I think I could ate as a 20-year old fresh off time. Nowadays, for that "industry" I'm too far removed from the time, and didn't do enough time, and truly I don't have an interest in running those type things anyway...

What I do have interest in, is sharing my personal story of really running the field and banging in them yards and jails like that, and turning my life around WITHOUT another trip to prison, or experiencing near-death, or having a religious rebirth. I think there's value in that story and it'll be documented, but I don't think YouTube is necessarily the medium to share it on. Plus, my redemption arc is years from being complete---->I'm in a spot where I can see it and how attainable my goals are so I'm focused, but I'm still climbing...

When I'm there it'll be really time to go hard with my biography...
No lie I’d be interested. From reading OP I can tell you definitely done lived a wild life

But if YouTube isn’t the medium to share it on what would be? You can literally get paid from YouTube

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
What I can say is about the streets is it ain’t for every one. Just like accounting or construction not for everyone. If you got one foot in, might as well take that bytch out. You gotta take your L’s like any other profession. I never met a real street nikka that never did no type of time. So just know you going to jail or prison at some point. Just know you gon likely get felonies and limit your option to the streets even more.

Then, once you been doing some shyt for so long, it is what it is and you in too deep. All these rappers rats and soft. On God don’t listen to these nikkas. nikkas out here whacking nikkas over pounds of weed. Don’t think nikkas won’t burn your friendly ass over a half a bag. nikkas been knew how treacherous the cocaine and heroin game was. That shyt ain’t never changed. Any real dope boy that done made any amount of real money than had to put shyt on the streets. And I guarantee you can’t find one that ain’t been ran off on. Just moving a major amount of bags of gas be stressful, let alone putting dope on the streets.

It’s only so many demons out here. Most nikkas fake tough. The rest just trying to get some money. But then most of them have zero muscle and half of them don’t know what the fukk they doing or what’s going on in the streets


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
No lie I’d be interested. From reading OP I can tell you definitely done lived a wild life

But if YouTube isn’t the medium to share it on what would be? You can literally get paid from YouTube

This could change because as I'm said I'm probably a good decade away, but I'm gonna write a biography and maybe work on a documentary, among other things. Knock on wood that I live to realize my entire potential...


Mar 11, 2022
Old York
I've seen a handful of your threads. Aren't you trying to leave that life alone and be a family man? Why are you keeping up with ANYBODY from the streets. Let that shyt go and just GHOST.


Jan 1, 2018
So much wasted talent and raw potential in these skreetz.

It really is sad to see as you mature and realize the nature of the maze you were placed in at birth due to what happens when poverty and ambition meet. Back then it all seemed like fun. When 20 in a brown bag feels like a 100K as everyone pseudo celebrates and inebriates to numb the pain of how they live while a few sit and hate as the urban jungles creed dictates when they see you fill your plate and serve your compadres.

Now its such an obvious trap. An inheritance of trauma and pain poured into a pressure cooker of poverty with all gainful forms of opportunity removed or seen only via a TV screen as a life for other people to live. Does things to the mind of a kid.

Add in the allure of a quick fix, the seeming glamor and sheen of those who get it and the rest of the pieces just fit right in. Selling is only a sin, if you don’t offer new ways to win...

Thats at least one of the good things about the net is it offers a creative vent and potential for a broader perspective to allow new forms of expression that we didn't have back then. Its amazing how small the world used to be, don't you think?


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I've seen a handful of your threads. Aren't you trying to leave that life alone and be a family man? Why are you keeping up with ANYBODY from the streets. Let that shyt go and just GHOST.

There's an outlet speaking to guys you ran thru it with, or even guys who can just relate to that existence in general, that you don't get otherwise in life. I can make acquaintance with people in my professional life and otherwise, but there's an integral part of my personality that built me from those experiences, that only people who traveled the same journey can relate to...

It's hard to explain fam, but thats my biggest guess on why I'm open to keeping a small amount of contact with a few people. And with that said though, the few guys I speak to here and there are only via Facebook---->and I only have Facebook because it's how I speak to my oldest daughters when they aren't with me, their mom has an IPhone and I have Samsung. Otherwise I wouldn't have Facebook and wouldn't speak to any of them at all...

It was intentional to lose all the numbers of people I used to affiliate with, that's my doing. I'm not "trying" to leave it alone, I'm gone, 5 years removed. My time, my run, my era, ended in 2017...


Jan 1, 2018
Start a youtube channel. Its worth it just to get your thoughts in order because once they're "out there" you've got a much clearer perspective from the inside and thus can extract multiple lessons from the wisdom of experience and share a message they've never heard before.

They're also pushing new channels at the moment so if you've been thinking about it here's the sign you've been waiting for.


Mar 11, 2022
Old York
There's an outlet speaking to guys you ran thru it with, or even guys who can just relate to that existence in general, that you don't get otherwise in life. I can make acquaintance with people in my professional life and otherwise, but there's an integral part of my personality that built me from those experiences, that only people who traveled the same journey can relate to...

It's hard to explain fam, but thats my biggest guess on why I'm open to keeping a small amount of contact with a few people. And with that said though, the few guys I speak to here and there are only via Facebook---->and I only have Facebook because it's how I speak to my oldest daughters when they aren't with me, their mom has an IPhone and I have Samsung. Otherwise I wouldn't have Facebook and wouldn't speak to any of them at all...

It was intentional to lose all the numbers of people I used to affiliate with, that's my doing. I'm not "trying" to leave it alone, I'm gone, 5 years removed. My time, my run, my era, ended in 2017...

Fam it's your life. I moved 40 minutes from where I grew up and it feels like another planet. You sound like you got your ear to what's going on still; and If that intel is through Facebook sheesh. You're open on here; I'm not. I know for sure if I ran into ANYONE there would be nothing but hate and negative consequences. You did a bid right? Did you announce to everyone you were going home and gonna be a changed man prior to your release?
You claim you're gone but still in touch via whatever means. What good can possibly come of that? Crabs in a bucket breh that's just my take on it. The same cats I did my thing with would stab me in the back in a HEARTBEAT. I have ZERO interest or reason to keep in touch with any of them. If I'm a sellout or whatever so be it. You got people you provide for too cmon breh. Like I said its your life; but if you're removed from that life then you should remove yourself 100% because I promise you nothing good will come from dealing with that part of your past when you have EVOLVED. Find people who can relate to you RIGHT NOW or just ride DOLO unrelateable.