Different types of street dudes...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
The dying friendships thread made me recall the different kinds of guys you find in the streets:

I've said on here before, everybody outside ain't on the same time, and everyone doesn't move the same or habe the same moral compass, and I think that was in response to past comments that related street cats as if they are all the same. They aren't:

I grew apart from several guys when I began transitioning out the streets. It was tough, I noticed where my heart and body were going in contrast to where theirs were, and internally I struggled because some of these guys I'd had some real deal experiences with...

1. A guy I knew since I was a teenager, put me onto selling crack. There had been different fissures in our relationship because he was a chronic woman beater, but we were mostly cool. As I started getting away from selling drugs and he still was on that, it just changed the math for me and I distanced myself...

We still kept in touch ever so often, but around late 2020 he told me this wild story of how he snitched on a mutual acquaintance we both used to kick it with, because they left him bloody on the side of the road, but then told me he didn't actually snitch, it was a wild story. I think I only spoke to him once since then, he wasn't selling drugs by 2020 anymore but we in two different places. He asked me to come ride for him on some silly shyt and I just ignored it, we in two different places. He 36, I'm 33, and he has an actual job now but we are in different spaces...

2. A guy I knew from years ago were tight from teens in county, hung out a few times as adults post-prison, but he snaked me on some cash. You gonna see this is a theme of how some friendships ended for me, and I've never really had the heart to go at dudes I once used to ride with tough. I think there's an internal recognizance that it would hurt me more to try to get at em than not, so I deaded the relationship...

This was a dozen years ago, and wasn't even no drugs involved, he asked me to put up some money so his mom wouldn't get evicted. Wasn't a large amount, but I remember one of the last convos we had, after me trying to get my money back for months, I told him I was gonna handle him next time I saw him. This was Summer 2010, I've never seen him again. He went up on his second prison stint in August 2010, he 33 nowand has since been back to prison twice more, but that relationship died...

3. I'd known this guysince we were teenagers in county headed to prison. He started using cocaine and behaving erratically, also was hanging out with an old mutual friend I'd distanced myself from long prior. They were into robberies, I left that shyt alone years prior, and he brought homeboy to my crib once without my permission...

Ended up letting fam use one of my guns and he never gave it back, but by that time I'd already been distancing. He got locked up in November 2016 and I did go to see him in county a few times but when I heard he was snitching--->from his girl at the time---->he denied it but I ended it completely...

He 32 now and comes home in April after 6½ years and we haven't spoken in over 3 years. I have alot of love for fam but that friendship is probably over forever...

4. Another guy I knew since we were in prison, and when we got out we hung with each other a number of occasions. I fronted dude off some cash and work in 2016 and he completely ghosted me, I wasn't pressed for it but it hurt. Didn't speak to him for about 5 years, spoke to him again last summer a few times, he'll be 34 in October and still out here on the same shyt he was on a decade plus ago, trying to keep up with the young boys, flicking up online with guns...

I couldn't pinpoint why I'd even talk to him again until I realized I was contemplating snaking him to get my 5-year old debt, but I left it alone. Some things are better left in the past and I'm not trying to be involved with him or drugs anymore...

5. This guy we never actually had a falling out, I just realized we were heading in different directions. We met in county in 2010, had a mutual respect for each other, kicked it a little and kept in touch with each other...

I saw him Summer 2020, he into drugs now, that wasn't his thing when we were younger, and he really isn't a good father. Has like 4 kids and the way he talks about fatherhood really unsettled me...

Actually spoke to him this past week, he still trying to get me to come to Maine, that's what he was trying to do two years ago when I saw him. He took his hustle to Maine a few years back, none of his kids are there, and he still flirting with bullshyt in the streets. My guy is 35, I'm not with the living the same way we were a dozen years ago. So I talk to him from time to time, but we in different spaces...

6. I'd met homeboy during a county stretch in 2014-15, and not only did I hold him down in county when he had issues, when we got out and linked I held him down on the streets, almost on some enforcer shyt...

Dude was one if the richest dudes I'd been around personally, he was an elite-level scammer who wasn't really into drugs or violence, and when we met in county he was on about a year and a half bid for getting caught scamming. In 2016 he decided he wanted to get involved in drugs, he had the capital but asked me to "throw something in the pot" to increase the weight, so I did, and it was supposed to come back to me by multiples...

Man, this dude ghosted me, right around the same time the guy above did, and when I told him he owed me money, he told me I basically misunderstood the play, basically told me to fukk off. I took a lot of financial losses in 2016 🤣 but that was also the year I made the most money I ever had in my dealing "career", so I had a lot of shyt coming in fast...

Like I said with this dude, I agreed to the move because homeboy was a baller for real, way more money than I ever had, and I just saw dollar signs, like damn if I link with him on his move I'm gonna have a fat pay day coming. This was during the time I began transitioning, so that played a part in my thought process too, thought I could have a nice nest egg to retire on...

He went back to prison for scamming for two years, got out, and we spoke a few times after the onset of the pandemic. Basically told him I forgave him for running off with my bread, and this nikka offered me an opportunity to get in another one of his plays 😆. Like nah, but at least he apologized...

Haven't spoken to him in a year or so. He 36 now and in Florida eating big again, has stakes/ownership in a few clubs. He also not the kind of father I want to associate with, he has kids spread out across three different states...


I do have a girl friend I've been close with for about a decade, but we fade in and out when we get in relationships. She's 29 now, been dating this 45/46-year old dude since last fall, so we've only talked a few times this year. I don't know if our friendship is necessarily ending, we just go thru these ruts...

Had another 29-year old friend who is a woman, I spoke to for the first time in 6 years a few months ago, talked to her last month too. Cut her off back in '16 when she asked me for money. We good now though...

Have a homegirl in Georgia who is also around 29 now, just been distant with life in general. She had a stillborn earlier this year, she called me fairly often over the years but I didn't speak to her much, didn't really make much time to talk after her baby died because I'm busy with my own life. I do kind of feel like an a$$hole for that...

And had a friend from my VA days who would be about 37 now, I believe she set me up to get robbed in 2016. We were cool but that relationship changed when I stopped giving her drugs for free. Last I heard she's in the Myrtle Beach area now buy this is one of these bygones are bygones things...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
1. This guy was a gang member from the time he was like 12 or 13, he told me years ago he got put on in '99 I believe. A true hustler, he was about the cash, the area he's from he has one of the largest legacies of dealing. Was never really "hood rich", dude trapped out for many years and never had more than a house(s) in the hood and a car or two to show for it...

But I never knew him to have a job at any point until he was like 24, and at that jobel he was selling coke, and never had a consistent job unt he was over 30, he's a "true hustler" because he supported himself, his BM and his kids for many years strictly off selling mostly cocaine and crack (he dabbled with weed and lean here and there too, but was mostly a cocaine guy)...

Dudes hated on him because he was always eating. He wasn't really into the violence, we had a situation years back where he called me to come ride with him after the club one night, and I'm sure there were other occasions he was in some shyt. Wasn't with the gunplay, he almost always had a gun or two, but the only times I knew of him actually shooting at anyone was his baby mom and her sister a few times...

Could fight if he was backed into a corner but mostly talked his way outta beef, when there were issues with dudes he'd try to resolve it with talking or money. He wasn't a KO King but the handful of occasions he was forced to fight he could hold himself down pretty well, dudes weren't just washing him up. He could defend himself but definitely not the kind of guy to initiate fights with men...

Went to prison for about two months a decade or so ago, for shooting into a house, and there was at least one other county stretch he did for shooting at his BM. This dude was nearly a lifelong trapper and to my knowledge, never got arrested for selling drugs. I know he was shook down on the block a few times but never locked up behind it, and fam was eating, he did well for himself...

Those couple stretches in county he was shook, he absolutely did not like conflict with other men and one time I was out while he was in, and I had to call dudes off his ass...

2. Second guy, was one of only two guys I knew who were teenage gun dealers. He went up on his first bid at 17 as I did, and that was his street reputation, this young nikka had the plug on guns and was eating off it...

Also a gang member, my guy is like 6'6, with zero hands. We were in county and prison at the same time, he got whipped on several times. Was also the kind of guy to try to talk his way outta hand-to-hand fisticuffs, because he had no hands at all...

Also heard about 4, and 6 years ago, on stints he was in county, that, that hadn't changed. He was a gambler in the jails and ended up in debt often, and dude stayed getting chumped out...

To my knowledge he peaked money wise as a teenager, because he's spent most of the rest of his life locked up. This nikka had multiple guns, and he's a different guy with them blowers on him, he ain't ducking no smoke on the streets the way he would inside. He did 3 years on his first robbery bid at 17...

Went and robbed one if them sweepstakes parlors 6 months after he got out, and was sent back up for 5½ years on his second robbery bid...

Almost killed a dude at a party in Summer '16, sat in county for over a year and beat that case. Got out, got caught with a gun and got probation, violated that probation and did 2 years for the gun...

So he's done 10½ years upstate on three different bids, dude always locked up and he's on probation now for a lighter charge...

But like I said he was a different guy with the blower, I haven't spoken to him in 12 years and back then he was in shootouts. He definitely fits the mold of someone you'd call a "shooter" though nowadays that term is misapplied often...

3. Guy 3 did 7 years on a kidnapping bid his first stretch as a teenager but had no street reputation. I remember he was just known as a guy who fought alot in high school, but was never into any street activities. His co-d gassed him into typing up and robbing a guy over a few hundred dollars...

He did 7 years and he was a KO King, this nikka had vicious hands. Right around 5'11-ish, 240-ish, he one of them swole brothers with big hands. He got in a ton of fights inside, and as a youngin I can only remember two guys beating him up, one was a guy with a similar physical profile, the other was a tall, slim joker, around 6'3-ish; that tall nikka gave him that work. It was a good scrap, homeboy had the weight advantage and he was thumping with him but tall homie was dancing on his ass, it was shocking because my boy did not lose fights...

Other than those two guys, fam was putting nikkas down often, was known for that. Also got involved in a riot and used them knives...

He did 7 and got out at 23 and immediately went to working and keeping a low profile. In a way I kind of b*stardized him, we started kicking it and I was dealing, so he made a few runs for me. Never gave dude a gun because he a hothead, some nikkas don't need to own guns. But besides a few runs with me, he didn't mix with anyone else, went to work everyday, all that...

Then he started fukking with an old acquaintance of ours, that old acquaintance was a stick up artist who was always in some shyt and known for that gunfire. I remember Stick Up Kid asking me to take a trip with him and I declined, he started kicking it with my homeboy, who got involved in guns and robberies with him. Asked me to use my gun once and never brought it back...

These nikkas went on a robbery spree from NC to Alabama to Florida, that's hoe he was eating. Both of them, plus two ither dudes in they crew, got arrested for killing a guy 6 years ago...

My boy got accessory to murder and is due to be released in April after 6½ years...


Aug 1, 2012

learn how to cook a thread bro, i am no expert but i know a lot will lose heart trying to read all that and with no pictures lol.

but to your original point. i never went in that thread because the premise is too odd ... how can you be grown and not cut off detriments to your life.

what type of seedy character do you have to be and to top it off cowardice too, anyway good thread OP ... just need to cook it a little something though. :hubie:


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
4. Guy 4 is the guy still running around trying to keep up with the young nikkas, I asked him last year why he flicked up guns as a multi-time convicted felon and he said "I let these nikkas know what time it is" 😴...

He dealing in cocaine now, and I know he's kind of viewed as a "big homie/OG" type on his side now (he 34 in October), he has a good amount of young nikkas under his wing...

I don't know what violence he involved in nowadays, if any, but he blew them hammers a few times when we were young. Was not the kind of guy to incite a fight, but wasn't no p*ssy, he could hold himself down when he had to fight and wasn't the guy trying to talk his way outta shyt...

Of all the guys I knew, he was a pretty boy, this dude always had a ton bytches. In prison when we were young, he did 3½ for a burglary (same time and crime as me), and got out 16 days before me back in '09, and we started kicking it. Didn't have a lot of yard fights but like I said he fought when he had to and held his own...

I don't recall him being into drugs much when we were young, because he was working and toting guns once we got out. I don't know that I'd necessarily call him a "shooter", but like I said he blew em a few times, when we were younger he was always mobbing with multiple dudes...

Fam called me one night to meet him at the Waffle House where his group was having an issue with another group, by the time I got there nikkas was gone and police had the shyt roped off, these dudes got to firing at each other in the parking lot...

Like I said he was working, and had women, he just liked having guns on him. Got pulled over like 2 years after he got outta prison and got caught with a gun, and ultimately went and did 4 years in the feds on that gun, getting out in '16...

When he got outta the feds is when I remember him fukking with drugs, he was like 27 at the time. He and one of his homeboys were plugged into growers in Denver and he had a nice run moving a lot of trees, then they got raided and him and his boy fell out. Like I said he lost alotta money and asked me to front him something, I gave him some cash and work that he ghosted me on...

Now I know he fukking with H and coke, he asked me to jump in some shyt with him and I thought about doing it just to get my old debt back but declined because that really ain't my heart. So he still out here, 34 soon, thugging on some big homie shyt...

5. Guy 5 was a big gang leader at a young age, mainly from the hand play. He had a shootout with these dudes that he was locked on when I met him in jail a dozen years ago, but that wasn't his reputation. He wasn't known as a killer and wasn't with the drugs...

He worked for his dad's construction business, and had another job, and toted guns. Got locked up and mostly had minimal issues in county, because he's a big guy (6'1/6'2, he used to be about 300 but he's slimmed down now), and was also a gang leader. Basically muhfukkas were like "oh so you that young nikka from ____ that we hear about)...

Got out, his gang leadership transcended multiple states, and I always knew him to have guns, but he was the guy who got dudes clipped on his word, he always had that kinda juice since he was young. And I remember years ago him explaining to me that he put in his work, he don't need to get his hands dirty anymore. So he was a shot caller, would say "go rough ___ up" or "go shoot ___" and it would get done. Had some power struggles with older dudes who didn't like his reputation in their area but to my knowledge all these issues worked themselves out with minimal violence...

He been in Maine for three years now or so, and I know he was fukking with the weed and fentanyl up there. I don't know when he started messing with drugs, but I know he wasn't on drugs until his mid-20s at the earliest, and maybe even later. He still doing construction (his dad passed while he was in county in 2010), and selling his bags on the side...

He's a large guy with a reputation that precedes him so he doesn't have much beef that I've known of. Did that 1½ years for that shootout when he was 23-24, and is the only guy on here whose never been to prison (he got time served in county after sitting a year and a half). Every other time he's gone to jail that I know of were about him fighting with his girlfriends and baby mommas...

6. Guy 6 is the only one of these dudes I ran with, who wasn't a gang member, and also the only one I ever associated with who was into scamming...

And like I said fam is elite, he had 100s of thousands when I met him in jail in '14. Is a real workout warrior, about 5'8 bit cut up and in great shape...

He started fukking with drugs late too, and I've noticed something, among guys I was close with over time, for the most part I was the drug dealing friend...

Homeboy is the one, in jail, who got me started on the mindset of, let nothing fukk up the money. He said he fired a gun at a party years ago but scared himself, and swore off gunplay. All the dudes he was around were into club and party hosting, thats hoe he got involved in the game...

Now I don't know if he's hosting anymore, I know he has partial ownership in two Florida clubs, and he's really plugged I with the weed. I never scammed or cracked cards so I don't know how he was doing it, but between club hosting and fraud this dude made a lot of money at a young age...

Contrary to popular belief, there aren't a ton of street millionaires, relatively speaking, but fam was definitely hood rich. Never seen this guy with a firearm, and he did that 1½ year fed bid for scamming, then another 2 or so after that. The only one of these guys who never did state time...

Jay Kast

Hidden Royalty
Sep 17, 2015
Flint, MI
Weed was my choice of product. I sold crack for a good while too.

I had stash houses, routinely had 60k worth of product at a time a few times a year.

Used to move guns and vests but I was always on my legal/education shyt too. I remember selling a level IIIA vest at my college in the bathroom before class 🤦🏾‍♂️😂.

Had my little crew. Two were brothers, one is in for murder (stray bullet hit a grandma during a shootout) and the younger one I last saw in the bullpen when I was being released. Then my other ex homie who is an alcoholic and a woman beater.

I don't associate with any of them, grew apart or lost love or just too risky. Too many deaths and bad situations.

That was from 13 to 26 yrs old. I'm 35 now. It's so far behind me that I've forgotten so many stories until I see a familiar face and truthfully, I don't want to remember. So many were hurt or killed and so many lifes were altered forever that I feel like a black cloud follows me.

I met a wonderful, beautiful woman that inspired me so much - planned on marrying her and she passed away a month and a half ago. I found her body. Instantly I felt like it was karmic payback from my past transgressions and that I'll never get the peaceful harmonious lifestyle that I truly seek.

Keep that shyt in your rearview @murksiderock - to the point that it fades into an unrecognizable blur.
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U Can’t Reach The Sun
Mar 11, 2022
Knicks & Dimes
Decent read. I’ve gone through similar in the last 2 years transitioning.
My problem is I’m “out” but still tethered because shyt be happening.

You got deaded a lot I ain’t gon lie. I been deaded before aswell that’s street life, u always gonna have a nikka dodging ur calls.

There was a point I THOUGHT a nikka had deaded me and took it there.

Sun pulled up we outside “yo I got a up, some Spanish nikkas from xyz but no gun“ he was about to get them for bread AND work he said he’ll give us the breesh and he trap the work. I organized a strap for him and off he went. He comes back 2 days later like yo they knew what time it was we wasn’t taking no wins I got the gun took off me.. I wont glamorize what happened but basically he got his face cut cuz nikkas assumed he was lying. He walks with that scar today.

Now 3 years later Im getting money with a new nikka and one day we smoking and reminiscing on street shyt and he like “yeah me and my sun [ nikka that fronted] got booked one time trying to rob some Spanish nikkas” I’m like whatttttttttttttttt..Immediately feeling bad cuz I was wholly convinced he played me. He described it to me the exact same way the other nikka did. Thats one of the things I always felt bad about because homie was almost crying telling nikkas he didn’t do nothin and it wasn’t his fault.

shyt like that

Satsui no Hadou

Mar 11, 2022
I feel you on getting burned. I got burned for a small grip by my best friends who hard started using synthetic weed. I was already kind of doing my own thing because my lady was pregnant and I was having a girl so I didn’t want her around any of that. I charged it to the game and just kept going. Knew them for a quite some time but it was my fault for trusting them :yeshrug:

Anyway, I think it was for the best considering all the fukkery that went on after that. One of them died, the other went to federal prison, and a few of their loved ones on both sides were killed. Sometimes I wonder if I was still around would it have been me or my baby killed in that drive by. But I mean, you live and you learn.

On the prison tip, I think it’s a toss up. I remember my uncle meeting up with his padrino and it was like they never skipped a beat. It was like meeting an old wartime partner, I always though to myself when I would see them chopping it up.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Sounds to me like you're a poor judge of character, and for some reason, certain nkkas are seeing you, as an easy (or eventual) lick...a pushover. Just my opinion. I stopped reading at the 3rd situation. :manny:

Nah this is probably a fact. When I look back on shyt in retrospect, I think I was really giving and forgiving even, to dudes I ran with. And generally speaking, I was a loner, I was never the dude hanging out with multiple dudes at once, and all six of these guys I named were unaffiliated with each other aside from the two dudes I was in county when I was young (and they never ran with each other outside of that)...

All these relationships were independent of each other. But yeah, I do think the guys I affiliated with knew how I felt about issues with your boy, and maybe that was the sign of weakness dudes took me for. Never really looked at it that way, but I saw plenty of guys over the years fall out with they "brothers", and I never agreed with taking that shyt all the way unless it was some really egregious violation...

I'd rather separate myself from dudes I ate and rode with than fonk with em...

Weed was my choice of product. I sold crack for a good while too.

I had stash houses, routinely had 60k worth of product at a time a few times a year.

Used to move guns and vests but I was always on my legal/education shyt too. I remember selling a level IIIA vest at my college in the bathroom before class 🤦🏾‍♂️😂.

Had my little crew. Two were brothers, one is in for murder (stray bullet hit a grandma during a shootout) and the younger one I last saw in the bullpen when I was being released. Then my other ex homie who is an alcoholic and a woman beater.

I don't associate with any of them, grew apart or lost love or just too risky. Too many deaths and bad situations.

That was from 13 to 26 yrs old. I'm 35 now. It's so far behind me that I've forgotten so many stories until I see a familiar face and truthfully, I don't want to remember. So many were hurt or killed and so many lifes were altered forever that I feel like a black cloud follows me.

I met a wonderful, beautiful woman that inspired me so much - planned on marrying her and she passed away a month and a half ago. I found her body. Instantly I felt like it was karmic payback from my past transgressions and that I'll never get the peaceful harmonious lifestyle that I truly seek.

Keep that shyt in your rearview @murksiderock - to the point that it fades in an unrecognizable blur.

All relatable. For me this was around 15 to 28 years old...

Weed was mostly my thing too, particularly as I got older. When I was younger I fukked around with crack and lean, sold some guns but was never a gunrunner like that, i had a good run with the pills too (I got pulled over with around 200 pills or so when I was 21, sat in interrogation for around 8-9 hours, and never got charged with it). Mostly ecstasy, did the prescription joints for awhile...

I was always selling some weed while I was on other shyt, though, and by the time I hit my mid-20s I hit my stride with it. At my peak probably had 30-40k of weed in rotation. When I first got out of prison I had a jack boy phase for about a year, but ultimately had a moral conflict about taking shyt from people that they work hard for, and left that shyt alone at 21...

I never looked at it like I had stash houses because I never had more weed than I could get off, but I had multiple locations throughout VA and NC I would get shyt flown to, and in Western NY when I was there. My shyt was normally gone in a few days---->I was influenced in prison by a guy about a decade older than me, who always told me, "work for yourself, never work for anyone else, and never have more drugs than you can sell". So I lived by that, like I said my homeboy #1 never got arrested for drugs, I never did either, closest encounter being all those pills in 2010. I always looked at that as some of the best advice, I never kept drugs on me after my early 20s, and even prior to that the drugs I had on my person or my home were gone in short time...

Bruh I can definitely relate to forgetting more things than I can remember, and wanting that shyt to stay in the past, and feeling like a bad omen. Me and Guy #4 and Guy #5 had separate convos some time ago, about how there isn't any real outlet for guys to talk about how their experiences outside affect then over the long term. I talk about experiences on here because it's an outlet, I don't have people I'm around who can relate to me, and as I mentioned I'm not in constant contact with any of these guys anymore...

Typically there are random triggers that incite a memory for me, like being at the store and seeing someone who looked like someone I crossed paths with, or seeing some random thing around town that invoke a memory. I've grown to accept it as is now, bit I did the work to distance myself from the streets. I'm 5 years removed and have no desire to really go back, though temptation flirted around here and there...

Those years were good for what they were while I was living them. I don't go out and try to re-establish myself, that chapter is closed...

Unrelated events make me feel like bad karma follows me for all the things I never accounted for, like losing my job with the pandemic and being unemployed for 6 months, my car dying on me two weeks ago, the difficulty in climbing the ladder professionally despite having the qualifications, distance with my siblings, etc...

Condolences to you on your lady, black man!

nikkas got more similarities than differences among them ha*

You think so? I see some similarities but I see differences too in personality and how guys relate to other people and how they handled themselves in the field...


Dec 19, 2017
Most of the dudes that I know that really touched paper came up off of weed and scamming (tax scams and cracking cards). They also weren’t about trigger play at all. The dudes that sold the hard drugs always seemed to always be dusty to me. If they did come up, it was never for long and they would end up crashing out over some dumb shyt.