I feel you.... and i'm not exactly taking the stance you assume I'm taking.
Hate takes up a lot of energy and focus..... like the saying goes about the 7 muscles to smile and 32 muscles to frown.
When it comes to hate... its a strong emotion that is really draining on the soul.
Truthfully.... I just dont give a fukk.... and I'm not gonna spend my time thinking about him or what he feels.... Now should he ever be in my space and be bold enough to personally disrespect me like that..... he would have to brace himself for the violence that would come his way.
Plus not for nothing and not saying 2 wrongs dont make a right and it should be justified, but have you said anything fukked up about people like him, his family and ancestors? I think we all have..... theres this weird space of "pot calling kettle..." thing going on.
I'm old school.... say what you want to say if you bold enough but be prepared to face the consequences...... maybe I would get a pack of my boys to run a train on his wife while he watches
Justice dont need to be personal