Diddy Says He Won’t Vote for Joe Biden If He Doesn’t Help Black & Brown Communnity


Jun 27, 2012
Voting rights? What voting rights are being threatened, bro?

Tax code? I’m paying LESS in taxes...I like that. I prefer to keep more of my hard-earned money than hand it over to the shady ass government as if they know better what to do with it. Don’t you?

Prison reform? Are you even aware of the prison reform under this Administration? Every previous administration promised it, but did NOTHING (Obama). It’s nowhere near complete, but at least someone finally did SOMETHING about it. Thousands of people of have been released “early” as a result of prisons reform that occurred in 2018. The First Step Act signed by Trump is one of the most significant changes to federal criminal justice in history. When prisoners asked Obama for the same...they got NOTHING.

I’d never call Trump a “good man,” but his mental capacity far exceeds Joe Biden and he has delivered plenty of things the media doesn’t want you to know about. They’d rather sensationalize or create shock headlines based on things that aren’t true.

These are just straight up facts, bro. Feel free to move forward with your Ad Hominem.

There's voter suppression in almost every GOP controlled state around the country. As someone who votes in ATL/GA, I experienced this first hand as voting machine's were removed, unplugged or whole polling places closed down in black districts causing 2-3 hour waits in line and disenfranchisement. Don't get me started on gerrymandering and voter registration purges. You would think "black" people on a site like this would be aware of this when it was a national conversation in 2018.

I don't give a fukk about your tax breaks. The upper class has been getting away with robbery between that trillion dollar tax cut that mostly went to the rich and now getting all of this stimulus money while the people who need it suffer or get told they need "bootstraps". Also this crazy ass deficit we've been running. So again fukk your tax break.

Trump hasn't did a damn thing for prison reform but sign a bill that both Democrats and Republicans crafted and tried to take credit for it. Tired of hearing about this bullshyt ass "first step" act that hasn't seen any other "steps". Oh, and TRUMP/BARR HAVE FOUGHT THE "FIRST STEP ACT" BEHIND THE SCENES SINCED ITS BEEN PASSED:


Only difference between Trump and Obama on prison reform is that when Obama wanted to do prison reform the GOP blocked him as to not give him any wins and they wanted to give Trump something who hasn't actually got any part of his agenda done outside of the tax cut.

Again, stop thinking people are as dumb as you and can't argue their points without insults. I don't need ad hominem when I have a solid grasp of the actual facts.


May 27, 2012
Biden wants to use more renewable energy, not cut apart the entire enciroemnet protection agency, doesn't want to drill in artic, doesn't want to change clean air laws ECT

Well that's honestly good, man...if the environment is something you're very passionate about. And you seem actually informed on it, rather that just shouting headlines. If Biden's alignment with environmental policy is what sways you his direction, then good for you. I personally don't prioritize that as much as other things...but to each his own.

Pure Water

May 12, 2014
Brehs didn’t have internet in 1989, and people weren’t doing that type of due diligence on Trump.

He was the reference of rappers and even doing rapper radio shows and nobody said shyt. Pulling up old articles and photos won’t change that fact. We judge people based on what we know about them, not what we don’t know.

Puff lived in New York at the time this happened.


May 27, 2012
There's voter suppression in almost every GOP controlled state around the country. As someone who votes in ATL/GA, I experienced this first hand as voting machine's were removed, unplugged or whole polling places closed down in black districts causing 2-3 hour waits in line and disenfranchisement. Don't get me started on gerrymandering and voter registration purges. You would think "black" people on a site like this would be aware of this when it was a national conversation in 2018.

I don't give a fukk about your tax breaks. The upper class has been getting away with robbery between that trillion dollar tax cut that mostly went to the rich and now getting all of this stimulus money while the people who need it suffer or get told they need "bootstraps". Also this crazy ass deficit we've been running. So again fukk your tax break.

Trump hasn't did a damn thing for prison reform but sign a bill that both Democrats and Republicans crafted and tried to take credit for. Tired of hearing about this bullshyt ass "first step" act that hasn't seen any other "steps". Oh, and TRUMP/BARR HAVE FOUGHT THE "FIRST STEP ACT" BEHIND THE SCENES SINCED ITS BEEN PASSED:


Only difference between Trump and Obama on prison reform is that when Obama wanted to do prison reform the GOP blocked him as to not give him any wins and they wanted to give Trump something who hasn't actually got any part of his agenda done outside of the tax cut.

Again, stop thinking people are as dumb as you and can't argue their points without insults. I don't need ad hominem when I have a solid grasp of the actual facts.

For someone that doesn't need Ad Hominem, you seem to default to it. What a shame, because it takes away from anything logical you say and just makes you look like another angry person shouting about politics.

Gerrymandering is a practice that is conducted by BOTH political parties, so I'm not sure what your point is there. Both parties try to establish political advantage through gerrymandering.

And you don't give a "fukk" about tax breaks...because all you want is to see the rich people get taken down? Tell me, how is the tax bill of that rich person whom you've never met affecting your life in ANY way? Do you think you'll have more money if rich people pay more in taxes? Nope. You don't care about tax breaks, yet you do seem to care about the pockets of rich people...even though they have NO weight on your life whatsoever. I care about MY pockets, not someone else's.

Every stimulus bill has been blocked and voted against by Democrats so they could add sensational political agenda to it. While the Bills have been designed to help people and businesses, they've decided to add such things as $25million to the Kennedy Center. I live in DC...I can't tell you WTF the Kennedy Center has to do with ANYTHING regarding helping people. No, it's a money pit for Democrats to capitalize on and pad their own pockets with.

So your argument against the First Step is what? "Well it was only one step I want to see more steps!" ?? You're upset that SOMETHING was done rather than NOTHING being done by previous presidents? You'd rather see NO progress over SOME progress? You're upset that both Dems and Reps came together to actually sign some legislation? Seems a bit ridiculous. And a Washington Post article? Come on, man. That's just as bad as posting something from Fox News.

Tetris v2.0

May 7, 2012
Puff is there to dance and sell a lifestyle, thats it

Anyone looking to this dude for political advice is LOST. He rubbed shoulders with Trump because $$$ is all he ever cared about, you see how he treats his own people and does business - maybe he should give back some of that publishing that might undo the religious extremism in his former artists.

He went out on a limb for JOHN KERRY in 04 but can't just ride with the Dems this time around when its clearly the right option?! :camby::camby::camby:


Dec 4, 2016
Puff could've just googled this. Biden has his initiatives FOR BLACK PEOPLE listed on his damn website
As president, Joe will:

Create Wealth in the Black Community. Through his policies from education to housing, Joe will ensure that Black families can build and sustain wealth for themselves and their communities. Because homeownership is key to building wealth, he will ensure first time homebuyers are able to get $15,000 in federal down payment assistance. He will invest over $70 billion in HBCUs and other MSIs, and on top of that provide loan forgiveness that works for public servants. And, Joe will double funding for the State Small Business Credit Initiative to $3 billion to assist small businesses, especially those owned by people of color.

Invest in our Communities through Housing. Joe has fought for housing equity throughout his career and believes housing should be a right. He will build new and repair existing affordable housing and draw housing and community development capital to low-income communities. He will end redlining and other discriminatory and unfair practices in the housing market. And, he will protect tenants from eviction. Joe will expand funding for shelters and other homelessness programs.

Protect and Build on Obamacare. Joe believes that every American should have access to affordable and quality health care. 3 million uninsured, non-elderly Black Americans gained coverage under Obamacare by the time President Obama and Vice President Biden left office. He will give Americans a new choice to purchase a public health insurance option like Medicare. He will automatically enroll individuals in the public option, without a premium, who would be eligible for Medicaid but for their state’s unwillingness to take up the Obamacare Medicaid expansion. He will stand up to abuse of power by prescription drug corporations. And, he will reduce our nation’s unacceptably high maternal mortality rate, which disproportionately affects black women. He will double America’s investment in community health centers and ensure enforcement of mental health parity laws and expand funding for mental health services. And, he will make an unprecedented investment in research to find cures for diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes.

Invest in our Students and Educators. Joe will triple Title I funding, which goes to schools with a high percentage of low-income students. These funds must first be used to ensure teachers are paid competitively, three- and four-year olds have access to pre-school, and districts offer rigorous coursework at all their schools. Joe will double the number of mental health professionals in schools, build the best, most innovative schools in the country in Black communities, other communities of color, and low-income communities, and expand the community school model. He will fund improvements to our public school buildings so they are free from environmental contaminants and equipped with the newest technology. And, he will invest in innovative approaches to recruiting teachers of color and reinstate the Obama-Biden actions to diversify schools

Support Education Beyond High School. Joe will provide two years of community college or other high-quality training program without debt for any hard-working individual. He will help tackle barriers, such as child care and transportation costs, that prevent students from completing their community college degree or training credential. He will also make a $50 billion investment in workforce training. And, he will create a “Title I for postsecondary education” to help students at under-resourced four-year schools complete their degrees. Joe will rectify the funding disparities faced by HBCUs and other minority-serving institutions by investing over $70 billion in them to lower students’ costs, establish research centers, strengthen graduate programs, build high-tech labs, and more.

Invest in a Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Justice. We cannot turn a blind eye to the way in which environmental burdens and benefits have been and will continue to be distributed unevenly along racial and socioeconomic lines. Joe will invest $1.7 trillion over the next ten years in a clean energy revolution, creating 10 million good-paying jobs. He will stand up to the abuse of power by polluters who disproportionately harm Black communities and hold those polluters accountable. As president, Joe will reinstate federal protections, rolled back by the Trump Administration, that were designed to protect these communities.

Make a Transformational Investment in our Country’s Infrastructure. Joe will invest $1 trillion over ten years to rebuild our roads, bridges, railway, freight, and ports. Joe will boost federal investments in low-income neighborhoods, which bear the brunt of our nation’s decaying infrastructure, to ensure that every American has access to clean drinking water, transportation that connects them to jobs, high-speed broadband, safe schools, and affordable housing. To tackle poverty, he will support applying Congressman James Clyburn’s 10-20-30 formula to all federal programs, which would allocate 10% of funding to counties “where 20% or more of the population has been living below the poverty line for the last 30 years.”

Strengthen the Right to Vote. Joe will strengthen our democracy by guaranteeing that every American’s vote is protected. He will start by restoring the Voting Rights Act and then ensuring the Justice Department challenges state laws suppressing the right to vote. He will support automatic voter registration, same-day voter registration, and other steps to make exercising one’s right to vote easier. He will support an end to gerrymandering and will protect our voting booths and voter rolls from foreign powers that seek to undermine our democracy and interfere in our elections.

Strengthen America’s Commitment to Justice. Our criminal justice system cannot be just unless we root out the racial, gender, and income-based disparities in the system. Joe will create a $20 billion competitive grant program to spur states to focus on prevention and reduce incarcerated populations, inspired by a Brennan Center proposal. He will expand and use the power of the Justice Department, under authority created by legislation he authored, to address systemic misconduct in police departments and prosecutors’ offices. Joe will also invest in public defenders’ offices, eliminate the death penalty and mandatory minimums, and end the federal crack and powder cocaine disparity. He will decriminalize the use of cannabis and automatically expunge all cannabis use convictions, end incarceration for drug use alone, and expand effective alternatives to detention. He will end cash bail and private prisons. Joe will invest $1 billion per year in juvenile justice reform. He will also set a goal of ensuring 100% of formerly incarcerated individuals have housing upon reentry and expand access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment, as well as educational opportunities and job training during and after incarceration.

End Violence Against Women. Joe will build on the landmark Violence Against Women Act, which he wrote and championed, by expanding the safety net for survivors and changing the culture that enables sexual violence. He will support the diverse needs of survivors of violence against women by expanding grants for culturally-specific services, making existing federal programs for victims more responsive to the unique needs of different communities, investing in the well-being of adolescent girls of color, strengthening investment in alternative justice approaches, and combating the epidemic of violence against transgender women of color.

Homer Simpson

May 30, 2012
Democrats still running on the "better than the alternative" platform even though the alternative is already the president. :gucci:

Too bad they chose a retarded racist rapist just like the Republicans have. Not to mention the structural problems with the DNC.


Jun 27, 2012
For someone that doesn't need Ad Hominem, you seem to default to it. What a shame, because it takes away from anything logical you say and just makes you look like another angry person shouting about politics.

Gerrymandering is a practice that is conducted by BOTH political parties, so I'm not sure what your point is there. Both parties try to establish political advantage through gerrymandering.

And you don't give a "fukk" about tax breaks...because all you want is to see the rich people get taken down? Tell me, how is the tax bill of that rich person whom you've never met affecting your life in ANY way? Do you think you'll have more money if rich people pay more in taxes? Nope. You don't care about tax breaks, yet you do seem to care about the pockets of rich people...even though they have NO weight on your life whatsoever. I care about MY pockets, not someone else's.

Every stimulus bill has been blocked and voted against by Democrats so they could add sensational political agenda to it. While the Bills have been designed to help people and businesses, they've decided to add such things as $25million to the Kennedy Center. I live in DC...I can't tell you WTF the Kennedy Center has to do with ANYTHING regarding helping people. No, it's a money pit for Democrats to capitalize on and pad their own pockets with.

So your argument against the First Step is what? "Well it was only one step I want to see more steps!" ?? You're upset that SOMETHING was done rather than NOTHING being done by previous presidents? You'd rather see NO progress over SOME progress? You're upset that both Dems and Reps came together to actually sign some legislation? Seems a bit ridiculous. And a Washington Post article? Come on, man. That's just as bad as posting something from Fox News.

Show me districts that Democrats have gerrymandered and I'll show you the ones the Republicans have. Redistricting is something that has to happen as cities change but its obvious what Republicans do with the maps they try to force thru.

The rich only eat at the expense of the average man. It was obvious before but this pandemic makes shyts clearer than its ever been. You bring up the stimulus but don't bring up what they were and are fighting over. Republicans wanted to be able to take this money from the people and give it to the C levels and buy back stock like they did in the last recession. Republicans fought against requirements that they had keep people employed if they seen the money. They fought against excluding Trump and his businesses. You don't bring up all the conservatives trying to force people back to work and how Mitch McConnell is trying to make it where companies can't be sued if they get sick when they get pushed back to work. What part of this am I supposed to be cool with?:why:

The First Step Act is a farce that they passed to give Trump and his supporters something to beat over minorities head with and claim they've done something. It was never enough and Trump and his team couldn't even be decent enough to let what little bit they did pass slide. You whining about the WP to change the subject but its public record that Trump's AG Barr has fought against actually releasing alot of people:

As new U.S. law frees inmates, prosecutors seek to lock some back up

Like bro nobody is being fooled by Trump's bullshyt. I don't even like Biden like that but at this point I would vote for a rock before I ever vote for Trump.

Homer Simpson

May 30, 2012
oh this was on Naomi Campbell's stream. Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's partner :sitdown:

Diddy's message is correct to try and leverage candidates for your vote instead of just pledging it to them off the bat like the Democacs and Republicacs think you should do


All Star
Jun 11, 2012
Any candidate out there that want to be a candidate and stay a star, and don't have to worry about the celebrity voters trying to be all in the campaigns, all on the rallies, demandin'… come to Death Row !


They see me rollinnnnn.... :russ:


Aug 24, 2015
Election season is among us and Diddy is being very transparent about what it will take for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to receive his vote.

During a conversation on model Naomi Campbell's live YouTube series No Filter with Naomi on April 23, the mogul spoke candidly on former Vice President Biden earning the Black and Brown vote.

“The Black vote is not gon’ be for free," Puffy began. "We’re gonna have to see some promises. We’re gonna have to understand what kind of deal we’re getting out of—what are we getting in return for our vote? Because nothing has changed in America for Black America. And, in order for us to vote for Biden we can’t be taken for granted like we always are because we’re supposed to be Democrats. Or because people are afraid of Trump."

The Bad Boy CEO then emphasized the importance of the presidential hopeful advocating for the Black and Brown community, in order to obtain their votes on Election Day, Nov. 3.

"It’s whoever’s gonna take care of our community," he continued. "Our vote is not for free. Whoever wants to make a deal. It’s business at this point. We can’t trust politicians. So, we wanna know very clearly, just like Trump made it clear that he wanted to build a wall, Biden needs to make it clear that he’s gonna change the lives and quality of life of Black and Brown people. Or else he can’t get the vote. And I will hold the vote hostage if I have to.”

The last two men standing vying for the spot of the Democratic presidential candidate were Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders, who dropped out of the race for presidency back in April. Sen. Sanders endorsed Biden a week later.

Diddy is no stranger to encouraging Black and Brown people to make their way to the polls. He launched his Citizen Change initiative back in 2004, using his Vote or Die campaign to encourage youth, as well as the Black and Brown community to cast a ballot during the election. Puff revived the campaign in 2008 and 2012 when former President Barack Obama ran for president and re-election. He also told the Associated Press in 2016 that he was willing to resurrect his Vote or Die campaign.

Check out Diddy's comments about Joe Biden during his convo with Naomi Campbell around the 23-minute mark.

Read More: Diddy Speaks on Joe Biden Receiving the Black and Brown Vote - XXL | Diddy Claims He Won’t Vote for Joe Biden If He Doesn’t Change Quality of Life for Black and Brown Community

He wasn't voting regardless lol

Harry B

May 20, 2012
Puff lived in New York at the time this happened.
So did I and my parents, and half of the coli. Yet we didn’t care about him enough to know.

Do you think this would become huge national news if everyone knew about it :dahell:

breh you can act smart all you want with answers in 2020, can you also tell me what every business man in NY has said about Trayvon without googling?:shaq2: